beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

tctenten said:
Your picture above...with the pot and the that just to circulate the water or mash or whatever it is? Looks like a closed loop?
Yup ...
Other devices get included in the loops later on, but as this point in the process, it's just recirculating the hot liquor and keeping the water moving through the grains ... the probe thermometer is up in the lid where the re-entry outflow from the tank is, so you are driving the pid controller w/ the temp of the water just about to be added technically (furthest from the heating element) ...
Later on, I'll doing a series of modifications to the wort in the circle ... chilling, filtering, and oxygenating ... i'm only using the extra bazooka for filtration during the whirlpooling (the re-enty tube is positioned such that it creates rotation of the wort for being a jet along the side) today, but in the future (once I figure out the tubing/connector interface) I'll be running that filter I posted the other day to remove the trub ... right before I open the loop and direct the wort to the fermenter, I'll open up the oxygen regulator and apply some pure O2 to create the environment the yeast want for multiplying ... of course, the main function during the loops is once water is running the opposite direction across the plates of the plate chiller, which coerces the wort temperature towards the water temp flowing counter it ...
OK ... time to go check the gravity again ...
I'm having to mash longer to get gravity ... this beer asked a bit much of BIAB so I'm having to actually try to brew it by numbers using the refractometer/pH etc, rather than the planned time ...
The PID controller makes it easy, so the only cost is time ...
Using instrumentation today =)
Pics soon.
i'm going to compile the batch info tomorrow, in terms of steps, but here's some porn ...



peak gravity, but I had to add the reserved 2 quarts of water, and ultimately another bottle of Fiji to have a 90 min boil and still capture enough wort ...


ended up ok, though ...

here's the OG into fermenter ...


which is ...


now, sexy time ...





lol ...


rum soaked figs, baby ... yeaahhhh ...

can i get a bump? ;)
grantmichaels said:
i'm going to compile the batch info tomorrow, in terms of steps, but here's some porn ...



peak gravity, but I had to add the reserved 2 quarts of water, and ultimately another bottle of Fiji to have a 90 min boil and still capture enough wort ...


ended up ok, though ...

here's the OG into fermenter ...


which is ...


now, sexy time ...





lol ...


rum soaked figs, baby ... yeaahhhh ...

can i get a bump? ;)
Looking good there GM!

continuing on ...


i tossed in a whirfloc tablet and a pack of bread yeast w/ 15 mins remaining in the 90 min boil ... i guess shells of dead yeast make perfect little hosts to the pitched yeast ...

new temp gauge is great, allows me to unplug temp controller and probe once the boil is over ...


it's hot ...


damn hot ...


3 mins from 212F to 102F on the faucet ...

then i switched sources to pumped ice water ...


and started the second pump up ...

six minutes later ...


chilled the fuck out ...

i figure since it's going into a keg, it'll tend towards room temp pretty quickly for a 2.5 gal batch ...

despite the Fiji, I still hit 18.5 Brix (into fermenter), which is on track for about a 10.5% stout ...


i did pitch enough WLP001 for ten gallons, because i wasn't confident in the starter that was on the plate for two days, and then in the fridge for one, and then out for another ...


i decanted it and putched it w/ an entire vial ...


into 64F fermentation chamber ...


wired up, w/ a secondary probe taped to the keg, and a fermwrap ...

planning to raise the temp one degree every 12 hrs ...

there's an assload of yeast in there, and the mash was 3 hours and should therefore be increasingly fermentable ...

i cycled the temp during the mash to get the gravity required to hit gravity ...

hell of a brew day.

i hope the 2.5 gallons of headroom and the low temp is enough to keep it from erupting the airlock ...

going to check that now, actually, lol ...

i should probably just put a towel on the floor in there, while i'm checking!



i'll post the recipe i brewed after the thread gets bumped again ...

never got approval, did it anyways ...

i'll write more about the mash tomorrow, am beat!
the recipe:



one nice thing about stout, the grist lowers the pH ...

today, the pH was about 7.3, but 20 mins into the mash it was nice ...


as for the rum-soaked figs ...


They went 2h at 140F, 2h at 154F, and then 30m at 170F prior to having the bag liquid dumped into the boil w/ 5 mins remaining ... I hung the fruit bag like the hops bag, but did not squeeze the fruit ...


now, about the mash ...

doughed in and temp settled at 151F, from strike (160F), starting a 90 min mash at 4:15 ...

at 5:15 having not stirred or anything, i was at 11 Brix ...

not good.

at 5:30 i stirred the mash and, and set the target for 147F ...

at 5:45 i was at 14.5 Brix ...

at 6:00 i set the target for 150F ...

at 6:30 i was at 16.5 Brix ...

i stirred the mash, and set the target for 153F ...

at 7:00 i was at 18.25 Brix, so I set the target down to 146F ...


at 7:15 i set the target for 169F ... to mash out ...


at 7:30 i was at 19.5 Brix, so, i added the 2 quarts of mash water ...

and at 8:45, i added a Fiji, too ...


nonethless, it smelled great ...

in the end, like i said, it's on track for a 10.5% stout ...

i added that towel, finally, for what may come while i'm asleep soon ...


i'm going to sleep like a baby ...
wheebz said:
you wanna seriously rock out, you figure out a ferm temp chamber, and add pitching rates and oxygen rates to your shit, and I will make you the best lager in the world
i did this, and as of yesterday i have oxygen rates too ...
let's plan to do this lager one of these days, now ...
It's "hard" not being able to see anything, but I'll take airlock action for today ...
I know this yeast can drop out if it's too cold, but there's a huge count, and I don't want them to ferm like crazy and produce a bunch of phenols/esters ... of course, too low, and they'll do it too ...

Such is life ... this one's just getting started!
Nice work. I love the name in the recipe "Darkness Everybody". Chappelle show.

Yup. I ended up making a recipe instead of brewing the kit ...

I used 10 lbs 2-row instead of 7.5 ...
I dropped the carapils and cacao nibs altogether ...
I reduced the pale chocolate and black patent by 25% ea ...
I added 50% more flaked oats ...
I added 20% total hops in US Fuggle (leftover) to the Wilamette's ...
I added 1/2 lb brown turkey figs ...
I added 3/4 lb black mission figs ...
I added a packet of Active Dry yeast at 15 min ...

So, I figured it deserved a name ;)
That is one big beer!  That yeast is going to be working hard on this one.  It may end up a little higher with the high sugars in the figs.  Sounds delicious though.  I reckon you should do the same brew again after this but with a belgian ale yeast. It would compliment those figs beautifully.  
Do you have the willpower to leave it for 3-6 months to mature?  It will likely be wildly unbalanced when you first keg it. 
Sort of.

I only got two of the freezers, one is our regular overflow, and only contributes space for ice bags and hops ... I'm not challenging D on the 3rd unit, lol ...

But, I'm planning to brew stouts 2-3:1 versus other beers for a while, so I think I'll be able to reserve some of this batch, if only because I plan to do some bottling out of kegs w/ the BeerGun ...

Doing the dishes ...



Two down, two to go ...

Bumper said:
That is one big beer!  That yeast is going to be working hard on this one.  It may end up a little higher with the high sugars in the figs.  Sounds delicious though.  I reckon you should do the same brew again after this but with a belgian ale yeast. It would compliment those figs beautifully.  
Do you have the willpower to leave it for 3-6 months to mature?  It will likely be wildly unbalanced when you first keg it. 
Man I know all about yeast working hard now. I can't believe mine won't go down anymore. Can't say I'm too happy about it.
Ozzy2001 said:
It didn't budge. Still 1.030. I think the PET bottles are likely.
Sounds like a best bet, I'm thinking ...
Darkness Everybody, ~30 hrs, ramped up to and sitting in a 67F fermentation chamber ...
I'm really pleased with my outing yesterday. I used all of the tooling, and the outcome is sure to be much better for it.
I say that, because had I just brewed my time, it would have been a totally different (and much less awesome beer) ...
At least, it would have been a much weaker beer ... at 90 mins the hot liquor was 11 Brix (= 1.044) ...
I mashed another 90 mins in actuality, and approached 19 Brix (= 1.078) ...
Between the using the pH meter, using the refractometer, applying the oxygenation (~1 min of 2L/min O2 in 51F wort), and setting up the 2nd pump to force ice water through the plate chiller for the 99F and down chilling (DMS buster), I actively brewed the beer I wanted ...  I think the batches before yesterday brewed me, and yesterday, I brewed the beer.
It's got that vibe like great cooking, using weights instead of volumes, driving the final product by the smell etc ...
But ... I need to find out from Wheebz if my recipe is solid (enough) ... it could all be for not, if I screwed that up! =)
I tasted the wort, but I really haven't made any solid correlation to date between the way wort tastes unfermented and uncarbonated, with beer.
i don't think anyone cares, but i'm anal about documenting shit ...

you'll note the 30s, or 1m videos, so i can count burps/min rate, in case i want to analyze the ferm data later ...
continuing right along!

no mess so far, a first ...