beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

RocketMan said:
Just a thought here, you might want to check out the ingredients list on that jar of pie filling. Seems like they put a lot of oil into those things. I know the jars of cookie butter have a great deal of oil in them and oil and beer don't mix very well.
Like I said, just a thought.
Yep, I totally checked that ... there's none, except what will be released by the nuts ... and I found people had made nut brown ale's, so I figured I'll give it a go ...
RocketMan said:
I understand salt is kind of an no-no, too ... there's only 45mg in the whole thing, so I'm not too concerned ...
And I looked up cream of tartar and found they use that in the making of invert sugar, so I think that's beer-Kosher enough too ...
wheebz said:
Grant how do you think we fill up such large fermenters. At Southern tier we did 7 30bbl batches in 24 hours to fill a 200bbl fermenter
I didn't know that until yesterday ... I thought the boil kettles were a matched size to the fermenters ...
Now I know ;)
Might as well drop this now ...


tctenten said:
Why not use bottled water?   Even for a 5 gallon batch at 89c a gallon...what am I missing?
Schlepping four 5 gallon water bottles for each brew day isn't my idea of fun ... and I might not even have room enough in the trunk of my little GTi, actually, now that I think about it ...
Before I make 10-12 gallons of one wort, I think I'll check the water a bit ;) ... but, my pH ranges from 6 to 9+ from day to day, unfortunately ...
RocketMan said:
Man, the heck with all that nonsense, just get an RO filter and start off with Zeroed out water that you can dial in for each batch.
That's an option ...
I've done the RO thing in the past for hydro ...
Good RO filters are about the same money, and they waste hella water ...
5 gallons of run-off for each produced ...
Found this gif of Wheebz when you use the same malt twice in a beer ...

SWAT! Get that shit outta here ...
So, water's 5.4-5.6 today, as tested by 4x different measurements ... two brands strips that put it between 5 and 6, the pH meter read 5.6, and the iDip read 5.4 ...
This makes my day-to-day variance from a new low of 5.5 all the way up to 9.5, now ...
I was mostly curious how close they'd all read to the same number ...
I was expecting to resend to Wards after the rains let up (now-ish), but decided I could have the meter for the price of 4-5x more tests, and figured even if it's not as precise as their labs, the ability to do it per-batch was going to be net-positive ...
One last job to process for work ...
tctenten said:
Is that good news....or bad news?
Just some reiteration of the reality that I can be getting heavily treated water (enterococci problems here in all waters, even the beach's), Peace River water, or aquifer water at any minute ...
I had trouble years ago w/ the water for my pepper plants, but especially the microgreens we grew hydro on the mats ...
We just have kind of variable water, depending on what they are doing, is all ...
Grant....this is my Water report from my Water company.  The reason I used, and will continue to use bottled water is because I have no idea what it means. 
If you understand this...without spending more than a minute of your time on it...Could I brew with it?  I have tested the PH a few times and pretty sure it has been in the upper 6's.
...did not paste correctly...
I'll check it out more fully this evening, once I'm back from the errands I have to run after I finish up this last house ;)
Probably going to try to read that Water book this weekend to an extent, or I'll be drunk ... either is fine w/ me!
Wheebz can probably at-a-glance it, but since I have to figure that shit out anyways, I'll take a stab once I've done some research later on ...
I plan on doing more reading on it as well...just haven't gotten there yet.  It is not an issue using bottled water, so it is not a high priority for me.  Enjoy your time out!