beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

Uh oh ... change of head brewer at the only brewpub in town that I frequent ...
The fact that he's not leaving town likely a sign that  he's opening up his own place, or you know, w/ partners etc ...
So, that would make two more breweries coming soon ... at least Calusa and whatever his would become ...
The incoming brewer is from the CCB organization, though, so that's possibly good ...
Well ... shit ... wasn't expecting to like it as much ...



Chugged the jar and licked my lips ...

OG = 1.089
FG = 1.016


81% apparent attenuation in < 4d for US-05 is right on point, I think.

Going to get this puppy grain to glass in a week, if possible.

Poured a glass of Wheebz saison to celebrate!


Couldn't be happier with the taste, but will try to get a deeper copper appearance a la DD's on the 2nd pass ...

When I graduate from my 1 gallon batches I will give it a try if you are ok with sharing the recipe….although pretty sure you posted this one.   
I was doing more reading and have a quick question.  When I took my final gravity after the ferment I used my refractometer…did that provide an incorrect reading due to the presence of alcohol?
When I graduate from my 1 gallon batches I will give it a try if you are ok with sharing the recipe&hellip;.although pretty sure you posted this one.   
I was doing more reading and have a quick question.  When I took my final gravity after the ferment I used my refractometer&hellip;did that provide an incorrect reading due to the presence of alcohol?


there's a calculator that can do that, but it requires having profiled your refractometer over like ten beers before it's close to accurate ...

that beer looked like it had fermented strongly from the krausen height, was probably fine all along!
When I graduate from my 1 gallon batches I will give it a try if you are ok with sharing the recipe&hellip;.although pretty sure you posted this one.

recipe's posted, yup ...
:doh:  :doh:  :doh:
I saw that in Higherthisheat's   thread and thought that may have been the case.  So if I understand this correctly, for the final gravity t is better to use the hydrometer?
Yup…that is why you recommended the refractometer.   I feel relieved, although I may have under carbonated due to the fear of bottle bombs.  I am beginning to see the advantages of bigger brew size now.
Wish someone would make me a pizza right now, actually!
I could make a pizza ... DIY flour tortilla crust ... LOL ...
Welp ... looks like I'm about to sanitize a corny and transfer the Red-Eye, PA to 2nd to dry hop w/ an ounce ea Citra and Columbus ...
I harvested some Clear Beer parts from the fermentation keg, for the recipient keg, so I couldn't pressurize to transfer over the jumper, so I cheated and gently poured the beer ...


This beer's going to get hammered and won't be around long enough to worry about whether or not that degraded it's shelf life, and I purged the headspace after hopping ...

Speaking of ...


Down the hatch ...


Ohai foam ... guess they make a few nucleation sites for the CO2 in suspension from ferm ;)


I didn't feel like it, really, but I did it ...

Most people don't ferm in kegs ... I don't like the carboys, is all ...

Kegs block light, accept pressure, have a lot of connectivity, can be boil sanitized, have a handle, a wide opening (tonight was perfect case of needing big opening) ...

Better bottles are a good option to glass too, I think ...