beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=





So ... this beer has 3 oz Columbus and 2 oz Citra woven into a 3 gal batch ...

Those Columbus hops are the 15.6% AA one's too, whereas I have others that are 12.8% I think ...

WAY more hops than any other beer I've done thus far ...
So, I've been super slackin' and it's not stopping today, I can tell you that much ...
Tonight, the hops will have been in for 48 hrs, then I'm going to lower the chamber temp to crash temps ...
After 2-3 additional days at cold temp, I'll open it up and yank the hops and give it a dropper of Biofine Clear ...
A day or two more, and then I'll rack off the crashed yeast and finings, and hook it up to some CO2 and get this party hoppin' ...
I have to say, it was really nice to not brew this weekend ...
Just set the chamber for 29.5F for a few more days ...
After that, I'll transfer the Red-Eye to a final keg, and then I'll attach my tank w/ dual-reg that's meant for the BeerGun onto the Miyagi-stout and Red-Eye and commence service out out of the 2nd chestie ...
There's room in there for two more beers, one more 3-5 gallon slot, and one additional 2.5 gallon batch on the hump if desired ...
I guess I'll brew a couple of room-temp-ferm saisons, and I'll be at keg capacity w/ 8x tapped beers ...
Danielle's offered to create my brewing water after her eyes lit up over the meter and she proceeded to tell me that she enjoyed managing her pool ...
Her OCD can be really annoying, often, but this could be a redeeming task in that regard ...
I'm going to yank the dry hopper tonight or tomorrow, and add a dropper of biofine clear while doing so ...
Couple of more days, and I'll rack over to a service keg and get started carbonating the miyagi-stout and red-eye, pa batches using my BeerGun tank w/ the dual reg ...
They have different psi targets for carbonation ...
went to yank the dry hopper after 4.5 days, and to add some biofine clear ...
pulled up an empty chain, though a thin layer of ice ...
added a dropper of biofine clear, swirled a little, replaced the lid without the chain or s-hook, and turn the temp-controller up 2F ...
tomorrow (or friday, latest) i'll rack off into the service keg and start carbing up ...
Pics ...



Oak ...


Interval update on Bhut Sub ...


Like blowing bubbles into syrup, lol ...
So you know that when you add biofine, the reason you are supposed to do it before/during a transfer or before you carbonate is because it needs to be thoroughly mixed into solution
not just dropped in and swirled a couple of times, that aint doing shit
i had read that, yeah ... but the dry-hopper basket was loose and there's a clear-beer floatie and getting it better mixed would have made a mess of the hops material i was thinking ...

but, i'll consider it like priming sugar and rack onto it going forward ...

once i take the time to keg-to-keg xfer some water counter-pressure style using a spunding my xfer fear will be over ...
LOL @ $159 + shipping for a one-gallon keg:
... but especially when it costs $79 more to turn it into a $240 5 gallon keg:
By together at once and save $40:
And still you've paid $200 for a 5 gallon keg ...
All so what, so you can put it in your dishwasher?
Wow - there must be people way, way worst than me ...

Freezes up half way ... more pressure no help ...


Uhm ...

Kiss some ice that clogged the transfer connections goodbye ...

Red-Ice, PA's more like it ...


~1/2 gal ...

Off the hops and trub, but will have to rack again tomorrow to be sure there's no damn biofine ...

PITA ...

That beer didn't need it, it had already drifted up on me =/

Started at 9.5%, lost 1/2 gal of 3 gal ...

I'll look up the simple equation laterto figure the ice factor ...

On the plus side, smells like McD's OJ ... lol.
It won't kill it. It's been handled more than I'd like, for sure ... and probably like 11-12% now ...
I was confused re: the biofine clear, thought it was the polychlar (PVPP) which is a plastic of sorts ...
The biofine clear is Silicon Dioxide ... which is not hazardous to health ... so I probably will just hook leave the keg as is, and start to carb it (and the Myagi-Stout) up starting later on ...
I need to plumb the dual-reg and tank, is all ...
A keg may happen down the road... First I want to be able to get a few beers under my belt. The latest brew is bubbling like a mo-fo now. Makes me feel like it will probably have the best attenuation results. We will see soon enough.

Do you have the Beersmith App?
grantmichaels said:
Yeah ... the program for the PC, and the iOS app, but not the Mac app is it exists ...
I was thinking about getting the iOS app. Do you like it and can I use it to keep records of what I am brewing?
tctenten said:
I was thinking about getting the iOS app. Do you like it and can I use it to keep records of what I am brewing?
It's a standard amongst homebrewers of sorts.
I don't input recipes in the iOS app, it's not nearly as full-featured as the desktop version.
I'm going to defer to Ozzy and RM on this one ...
I think that for me, I'm probably going to use Beersmith as a tool to tinker and "design," and will have to have it around to be able to interface with other homebrewers - but I'll ultimately store my recipes in spreadsheets based on the BIABacus from, I think ...
I think I'd even be more inclined to store my recipes on BrewToad ... I haven't decided yet ...
Beersmith is a bit of a love/hate for me ...