beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

The DIPA I did tasted more like Deviant Dales than the DFH90 min. I haven't been able to pinpoint what I like most I. The IPAs yet but I know I don't line coriander. The Amarillo, simcoe, and warrior hops are good in the one I brewed.
Mine has a lot in common with DD, but with Citra being right there upfront too ...

I like it, and will enjoy doing some variations on it ... having a Columbus sans Citra version, all while going for a little more redness in color too, next time ...

I am pretty curious about Galaxy, Falconer, Amarillo, Brewer's Gold, and Sorachi Ace ...
best hop in the world for aroma and flavor, seriously hard to get on a big scale anymore > 10 pounds
dont like it, but one of the biggest named beers uses it exclusively, GumballHead
Simcoe, famous hop, used in most good IPAs, Heady, Pliny, Double Simcoe, and a couple others, but super hard to get as its a hard grower and limited availability because of harvest yields
Falconer, a blend of a bunch of hops to make a yield similar to the usual floral and citrus combination
Falconer 7c, a blend of C hops, cascade, centennial, citra, columbus, crystal, chinook, and to be honest i cant remember the 7th
Brewers Gold - all bittering bud, shitty aroma, tastes and smells like wet grass and turpentine in late addition
last but not least
Sorachi Ace - One of my favorite hops, but really good in late addition to farmhouse ales, saisons, belgians, and even kolshes used in extreme moderation.  Sorachi works great in a kolsch or pils with additions at 15, 10, 5, 1, WP, but does not work great at a D-Hop, tastes like old limes and shitty pickles
so i should grow Galaxy or amarillo. I really like gumball head. Not as much as zombie dust but it's still a favorite. 

hmm maybe not, not seeing much for rhizome availability
Sweet, thanks ... super stoked to have the style to drink opposite the stouts ...

I'll drop the BG ...

I'll do Galaxy and 7c for the IPA next time, and Galaxy and Sorachi Ace for the saison ...

D3monic said:
so i should grow Galaxy or amarillo. I really like gumball head. Not as much as zombie dust but it's still a favorite. 

hmm maybe not, not seeing much for rhizome availability
yea not gonna happen
Amarillo is proprietary, and Galaxy is from Australia and also proprietary
wheebz said:
best hop in the world for aroma and flavor, seriously hard to get on a big scale anymore > 10 pounds
dont like it, but one of the biggest named beers uses it exclusively, GumballHead
Simcoe, famous hop, used in most good IPAs, Heady, Pliny, Double Simcoe, and a couple others, but super hard to get as its a hard grower and limited availability because of harvest yields
Falconer, a blend of a bunch of hops to make a yield similar to the usual floral and citrus combination
Falconer 7c, a blend of C hops, cascade, centennial, citra, columbus, crystal, chinook, and to be honest i cant remember the 7th
Brewers Gold - all bittering bud, shitty aroma, tastes and smells like wet grass and turpentine in late addition
last but not least
Sorachi Ace - One of my favorite hops, but really good in late addition to farmhouse ales, saisons, belgians, and even kolshes used in extreme moderation.  Sorachi works great in a kolsch or pils with additions at 15, 10, 5, 1, WP, but does not work great at a D-Hop, tastes like old limes and shitty pickles
Hum, for the Honey Lemon Basil Saison maybe I'll switch to the Sorachi Ace then.
D3monic said:
so i should grow Galaxy or amarillo. I really like gumball head. Not as much as zombie dust but it's still a favorite. 

hmm maybe not, not seeing much for rhizome availability
You could grow both if you can get the rhizomes for them, one on each side of the house :)
Ballast Point ... bought for $1B ...
RocketMan said:
Hum, for the Honey Lemon Basil Saison maybe I'll switch to the Sorachi Ace then.
When you go electric ... never, ever, ever skip the CIP after the session ...
OMFG ... just ... NEVER! =( ...
wheebz said:
Falconer 7c, a blend of C hops, cascade, centennial, citra, columbus, crystal, chinook, and to be honest i cant remember the 7th

hop in the world for aroma and flavor, seriously hard to get on a big scale anymore > 10 pounds
The 7th is Cluster, and they say "plus additional experimental varieties" ...
Just ordered a lb ea of Citra and Columbus, and 8x 1oz packets of Galaxy =)

Should provide good times for the lighter colored stuff for the coming months ...
Wheebz -
I don't want to bury Ozzy's post w/ a real ASK WHEEBZ with this, so I'm going to leave this here for whenever you see it ...
Can you drop any hints you might have in advance of my trying to put together a recipe that's Gumball-esque for D3, rather than sending him off to read clone recipes ...
It seems to be 2-row at like 50%, 40+% red wheat, and 10-% caravienne ...
Shit tons of Amarillo throughout will loads of hop bursting and dry hopping etc ...
Are there any key tweaks to mash strategy or ferm temp/ramping etc that are responsible for it's character? ... or a brand of grain or anything? ...
Here's a photo of a recipe from Stan Hieronymous (?sp) Brewing with Wheat book - that I found posted in a blog post online ...
Red-Eye, PA
3 gal AG w/ 55% Kettle Efficiency (BIAB)
160 oz Maris Otter (85.7%)
  16 oz Munich Malt (8.6%)
    8 oz CaraRed Malt (4.3%)
    2 oz Gambrinus Honey Malt (1.1%)
1/2 oz Roasted Barley (.3%)
1/4 oz Carafa Special III (.1%)
Mash into 126F strike water
Might use a little citric acid or pH5.2 today to bring the mash pH down to 5.2 or a 5.6 target if I use citric acid.
Set the attain-then-countdown timer/alarm for 153F and 30min (should take about 45mins, and give some some time for beta-amylase activity along the way).
Check with a refractometer, stir, and continue as needed to hit gravity, up to 100mins max.

60 Min Boil + 15 Min Whirlpool
.5 oz 15.6% AA Columbus (Pellet) @60min
.5 oz 15.6% AA Columbus (Pellet), 1/2 Whirfloc, & Yeast Nutrients @15min
Whirlpool 15 Mins
1 oz 12.9% AA Citra (Leaf)
1 oz 17.8% AA Columbus (Leaf)
Immersion-Chill <80F & divert into a 5 gallon corny with a blow-off tube attached to the gas post.
Pitch "starter" of 1x package of Safale US-05 stirred through pre-brewing/brewing in a boil-sterilized 1L Erlenmeyer flask with 800mL canned wort (5-8 hrs).
Place into 65F chamber, apply O2 at 3L/s for 30 secs or until bubbling through blow-off apparatus.
Raise chamber temp .5F every 12 hrs up to 70F.
Add one oz each of Citra and Columbus pellets and leave at 70F for 2-3 days, then drop the temperature to crash temp, and add some biofine clear the next day.  The following day, or a couple of days later, you rack it off the finings and hop debris, and prepare it for service.
Mine hit 9.5% when it was aiming for ~8.25% at efficiency of 55%, and then was further concentrated for having lost a half-gallon of ice due to too low crash temp, ultimately hitting about 11.5-12%.
once i get doneski with my workski, imma go look in the tupperware and see what base malts i have on hand ...
i'm jonesin' to brew a beer ... think i'll just whip something up on the stove tomorrow night, or saturday ...
i have a 33 qt spigot-less cooler that's unused ... i think i'll mash a pilsner-malt based grist into it, enough to run-off off 3 or 4 single gallons of hot liquor to boil on the stove ...
i know i have 2x 2 gal SS pots, and 1x 5 gal pot, so i can run 3x boils if i want, and make up to 4x gallons in one session ...
separate from the recent order, i have single oz's of citra, galaxy, 7c, and sorachi ace in-house, and quite a selection of yeast that i need to use ...
might be a fun time to use a vial of one of the brett's, or the bootleg bio yeast ... since it'll be going into something inherently easy to clean well (the little big mouth bubblers) ...
i'm looking forward to some brewing fun ... and maybe smoking a brisket, too ...
Make it tasty.  How long do the grains and hops keep fresh?  Is it better to just get freshly milled stuff?  If the brew shop has what I need it will not be a problem for me to just stop by.  
tctenten said:
Make it tasty.  How long do the grains and hops keep fresh?  Is it better to just get freshly milled stuff?  If the brew shop has what I need it will not be a problem for me to just stop by.  
Yeah, and that's why I want to use this stuff ... it's aged. Old, even ...
That pilsner malt's been milled for months and months now, I'm afraid ...
I'll try to scratch a whole bunch of itches ... throw up like 3-4 hail mary's ...
They best way to keep me on-track for the batches that count, is to scratch those itches when the stakes are low (i'm in good shape, beer wise, right now) ...
That is what I figured.  On your IPA recipe…is that considered a step mash?  After Thanksgiving I am going to finalize your recipe into the batch size I want and see if I can get everything locally.   If you had to..or could compare your IPA to a commercial beer….what would it be?
tctenten said:
That is what I figured.  On your IPA recipe…is that considered a step mash?  After Thanksgiving I am going to finalize your recipe into the batch size I want and see if I can get everything locally.   If you had to..or could compare your IPA to a commercial beer….what would it be?
It tastes like a Deviant Dale's that's been dry-hopped with Citra ...
If you like Deviant Dale's, and you like Evil Twin Citra Sunshine Slacker, you'll probably be happy ...
The thing is, I'm going to scale it back ... make it a little bit more reasonable ... might wait for me to post that one up, if you aren't planning to brew it in the next days that is ...
My instance hit full-on triple/Imperial strength because I got somewhat better efficiency out of that grain bill than I had been getting out of the stout batches ... probably because I used pH5.2 to be honest ...
No rush here. Plans every weekend from now till the new year. Deviant Dales has a very distinct taste to me. Will be interesting to see if I can figure out what ingredient it is.