beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=


Realizing I don't have a propane tank ...
I think, though, that since the last time I owned a gas-grill, that everything is based on exchange now, right? ...
I see the propane tanks stacked outside the gas stations, so I'm assuming that tanks either cost X, or cost Y (less) with an exchange tank? ...
Sounds a lot more fun to take the new kettle out for a spin on Monday ...
#BigBatch IPA
tctenten said:
Pretty sure you can buy one at most of the exchange places.

Are you going to try yor first large batch outdoor brew on Monday?
Considering it, for sure ...
Have to figure out if I've got enough base malts ...
I'm  just shutting down my work apps and opening up Beersmith now, actually ...
Want to put a little time into a recipe now, before I start trying to finish the Red-Eye Eis-Imperial IPA ... that batch is WAY FUCKING STRONG!
tctenten said:
I hope you brew Monday...will keep me entertained during the boredom that is work.
I'm pretty surely brewing on Monday, the question is Monday day, versus Monday night, is all ...
Okay ...
I have 10# of Pale Malt ...
I have 10# of Pilsner Malt ...
I have 4-4.25# of Maris Otter ...
I'll have to go weigh the specialty grains and see what I can figure out ...
I think I have 1# ea of Victory, Special B, Munich, CaraMunich, and Best Maltz Red X ... all of which contribute ...
We'll see if I can get a big batch together after I go dig through the specialty grains, LOL ...
this is going to be everything-and-the-kitchen-sink use-up-all-the-old-grains batch ... to test out the big system, I think ...
working on it, now ...

grantmichaels said:
Well ... didn't see this one coming =(


Carbonated end of the Darkness Everybody stout ...


And ... in a matter of a moment or two ...


Chocolate and two big stouts == heaven!

Good thing I only had bean burgers and a salad yesterday ...



Goodbye, D.E. stout ... you were delicioso ...
So DIPA Put Her Ass to Sleep
Batch Size: 12 gallons
Boil Size: 13.25 gallons
Boil Time: 90 minutes
Est. ABV: 9.3%
SRM: 13
IBU's:  102+
Efficiency 60% (may be much higher using cooler-based mash tun, but pre-milled grains are OLD!)
Begin with 16 gallons of IPA water.
10  lbs Pale Ale Malt (23.7%)
10  lbs Pilsner Malt (23.7%)
~4  lbs Maris Otter (10.7%)
  2  lbs CaraPils (4.7%)
  1  lb   Acidulated (2.4%)
  1  lb   Biscuit (2.4%)
  1  lb   CaraFOAM (2.4%)
  1  lb   Flaked Maize (2.4%)
  1  lb   Flaked Rye (2.4%)
  1  lb   Flaked Oats (2.4%)
  1  lb   Melanoiden (2.4%)
  1  lb   Munich (2.4%)
  1  lb   Red X (2.4%)
  1  lb  Victory (2.4%)
.75 lb  Honey  (1.8%)
.50 lb  CaraAroma (1.2%)
.50 lb  CaraRed (1.2%)
Aim for 18+ Brix Pre-Boil.
3 lb Sucrose (Table Sugar)
1 lb Golden Light DME
1 oz Columbus at 90 min
1 oz Simcoe at 75 min
1 oz Columbus at 60 min
1 oz Columbus at 30 mins
1 oz Columbus at 15 mins
2 Tablets of Whirlfoc at 15 mins
1 tbsp Yeast Nutrient at 15 mins
1 oz Columbus at 10 mins
1 packet of sweet orange peel at 5 mins
1 oz Citra at 5 mins
2 oz Citra during Whirlpool for 15 mins
Aim for 20+ Brix Post-Boil.
Chill to 65-85F.
Split batches into 3x corny's, ~4 gallons each, add one drop Fermcap-S and 1x packet of US-05 to each corny. Apply pure O2 for 60 seconds at rate of 3L/min or until blow-off burps ...
Ferment at 65F, adding .5F every 12 hours up to 70-71F.
Dry-Hopping details to come.
Ozzy2001 said:
That's a hodge podge mix if I've ever seen it.
You ought to call this one Kitchen Sink.
It's all of what's here except for the roasted/toasted/kilned specialty grains (carafa III, barley, chocolate, special b, caramunich III, black prinz) ...
FWIW, I don't plan to replace any inventory of grains - going forward I'm going to order the grain bill's milled and mixed by the OHBS (Stubby's Texas Brewing) directly before brewing ...
Ozzy2001 said:
That's a hodge podge mix if I've ever seen it.
You ought to call this one Kitchen Sink.
How about:
So DIPA Put Her Ass to Sleep
I figure might as well enjoy not having to worry about the TTB!

#fuckit #homebrew
Really, it's just all so old ... numerous months pre-milled base malts in plastic bags w/ twist ties =( ...

But on the other hand, first time brewing w/ fire/outside etc ...

Figure it's just a way to take a low-risk shot ...
I suppose I might wake up and decide to brew 9 gallons instead of 12, and cut out some of the rando shit, but we'll see ... I kind of want to just use it all up and start the next chapter thereafter ...
Hmm ... if I wait until Wednesday to brew, I'll have received 10# ea of Golden Promise and British Pale, and some single #'s of 3-4x Wheat malts ...
Coupled w/ the fact that my Rose Hips haven't arrived, and I guess I'll just have to keep working ahead for a couple of days and plop by brew day down after more shit's here ...
Wednesday, I guess ...
#ugh #justkeepworkingasshole
yup ...
the rule i made saved me ...
don't brew batches of shit you don't think will be great ... if you experience having mediocre beer as a real bummer ...
i have 2-3 beers most days, and as many as i want on my night's off ... the thing about that, is that you don't want to have to drink more than 1 mediocre glass in a day, if you are only having 2-3 ...
i want to not brew mediocre beer as a rule, in particular ... it's like my over-arching rule, actually ...
so, for that reason, i will probably hold out out and reformulate and re-plan something that's likely to give me the two things I need: a great beer to drink, or a great experiment to talk about ...
beer worth talking about ... is a beautiful thing, pro or not!
i got 99 brewing problems and pressurized liquid transfers are all of them ...

the first cool-weather day this winter, i'm going outside with a tank and kegs, and i'm not going inside until i got it like: