beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

I might run and pick up a 6 pack of alpha king tonight to sip on. I'm normally not that drawn to APA's but it really bridges that flavor gap so many other beers have been missing. Just at $15 a 6 pack at the local store it's a tad bit expensive. That's a $5 mark up from what the brewery sells it for. I had a 6pack in my hands at the brewery but opted to put it back to save $. Already regret that. 
Just got done eating some kelbasa, kraut and mash taters with my favorite powder. 
Which reminds me, I put a small packet of the Alder and Cherry smoked MOA bonnet / Bahamian goat powder in your package. I'm almost out or would have been more. IMO it's the best powder i've produced all summer. Hopefully you like it. 

These stouts and stuff that have chocolate flavors. Do they actually have chocolate in them or is that flavor just obtained the the roasted/mallard process? I might grab a folley pack and try somethings new but you know... allergy fears and all. 
sounds good, i've enjoyed alder-smoked powder before, and do like bonnet/goat peppers, so that will probably be quite likable for me!

there's typically roasted barley, black malt, chocolate malt etc, and a high-AA bittering hop addition ...
D3monic said:
Imma take a nap till like 1:30 and start again. Booze and cooking for the afternoon. No work tonight
I'll be drankin' this evening ... gotta kill the keg.
D3monic said:
Imma take a nap till like 1:30 and start again. Booze and cooking for the afternoon. No work tonight
Just opened your box ... so I'll have my first 3Floyd's tonight wich'a ...
Thanks man!


One of the next steps for me is to determine my perception of 4mmP ...
The big question ...
Which system to brew on ... and when ...
My supplies arrived a day early ...
I have 10# each of M.O. and Pale again, if I recall my order, so I can now probably brew whatever I want for all intents and purposes ...
Have to decide whether to brew on the old system a couple of times, outside, and use what I know ... or brew on the new system, and have that experience, running into everything ...
Hmmmmm ...
Something to ponder while I work tonight, certainly ....
I really don't see how the new system could cause me too much trouble, except for possibly taking a long time to cool the wort using the smallish immersion-chiller ...
If I literally measure the strike water into the unmodified cooler sitting up at waist height on a table, and then use the Sansaire to heat the water to like 5 degrees above mash temp, lower the BIAB bag into it w/ the grains, and close it ... I mean, it's going to mash ... there's nothing else that can happen ... and then while it mashes, I'll heat sparge water in a second smaller cooler or SS pot ...
So then, I'll place the kettle under the spigot on the cooler, and run-off into it ... and then when it's done run off, I'll sparge the grains using the little do-hicky I made for the Sansaire a while back that utilized the spray aerator to make a gentle fan of water to deliver the sparge water over the grains, until it's gone, and run off into the kettle ...
After that, it's a matter of lighting the burner and running a boil in an unmodified kettle, easy as pie to reason about ...
Deliver the hopshot and roll with it, running the hop schedule as per the recipe, and at the end placing in the immersion chiller to sanitize w/ whirfloc and nutrients, and then finally turning off the burner, and turning on the spigot/garden-hose, and basically whirlpooling w/ the paddle manually for like 10-20 minutes while it cools down ...
Once it's cool enough (<90F) I'll just use an auto-siphon to fill 3x corny's ea w/ 3-4 gallons, and then place those in the ferm chamber to cool some more, while I make a 2L "starter" with 4-5x packs of US-05 that I'll let go on the stir-plate for a couple of hours while the wort cools off to the mid-70's, and then divide it between them and let em go ...
On day three I'll dry hop one w/ a bunch of Galaxy and yank the blow-off connection, effectively letting the CO2 start to build w/ a spunding on, and after 2 days of dry hopping and building up some initial CO2 in the ferm chamber, I'll open it up, hop it again a little bit, and put the Clear Bear float and service tube on, and attach it to the distributor in the keezer to "crashish" at 37F while getting the rest of the way csrbed up at service pressure, and then I'll drink it off the top, cake and hops down in there ...
And I'll drink it ... And then after a week, I'll dry-hop the next one, and do the same thing, only I won't be able to harness organic CO2 for the 2nd two ...
And then I'll plan a stout batch to split ...
Hmmm ...

It's worth mentioning the counter position ... which Danielle things I should go with ...
Using the system I've used all along, just, outside, and brewing in the next couple of days (3 gallons), and then again this weekend (3 more gallons) ...
Hmmm ...
Could do two styles that way ...
tctenten said:
I would probably be tempted to try out the new set-up. You can always go back to your old way if you'd or not like it.
I was thinking that, but I'm going to go to do something different, I think ...
I'm going to test the front half only ...
I'm going to mash for a five gallon run-off into the boil kettle, and then use my old backend (outside) ...
Meaning, mash into the new system ... big cooler etc etc ... but then run the boil using the old system to finish it out ...
Way cheaper to just buy a cooker and then the kit. Lowes here has 10gal for $44. Then the kit is around $50. The 5 gal can't hold all of a big beer 5gal batch. I guess you could do 2 mashes but that's a lot of time.
tctenten said:
Every time I walk into the LBHS they have that orange igloo cooler set up calling my name.
Yeah ... totally ...
I should get a propane tank and take my time and boil some water w/ it, as well as have built the game hoist ...
I want to brew, though ... not fuck around building shit (right now), so I'm going to make like 3-4 gallons ...
Yeah, I want to make beer ... like ... now ...
In order to be able to just brew tomorrow, I'm going to make a Belgian IPA w/ the closest yeast I have to Belgian Ale Yeast (I know I have ECY-11 Belgian White, at least, and some Fermentis dry yeasts also) and whirlpool hop and dry hop with Galaxy ...
That'll let me use up the old pilsner malt, the aging ECY-11, and give me a chance to get a taste of Galaxy hops ...
I'll brew like 3.5 gallons, so I end up w/ fully 3 gallons despite the loss to the hops ...
And then this weekend, I'll do it again, and brew the Red-Eye again, except I'm going to tweak the Citra/Columbus process and possibly sub in Simcoe for the bittering addition in lieu of the Columbus, and add some Falconer 7C to the dry-hopping regiment ...
I'm basically choosing two 3-4 gallon brew sessions over a build-day + bigger brew session that would cause me to have a build day tomorrow (and not brew) and have to wait to brew until the weekend (when it's supposed to be windy and cold (46-64F)) ...
This way I get to brew tomorrow ... and I end up w/ 3-4 gallons each of an Belgian Galaxy IPA and the Red-Eye ... yum!
Ozzy2001 said:
Way cheaper to just buy a cooker and then the kit. Lowes here has 10gal for $44. Then the kit is around $50. The 5 gal can't hold all of a big beer 5gal batch. I guess you could do 2 mashes but that's a lot of time.
My cooler and burner and kettle wasn't all that expensive at all, and I can def do 10 gallons of high gravity beer, or 12-15 gallons of sessionable beer if I recall what sizes I used to verify it before purchase ...
It's 100 qt cooler, and an 82 qt kettle ...
Ozzy2001 said:
It cracks me up that you have that badass burner and no tank lol.
I just haven't picked one up yet ... I don't have any gas grills or anything, so I haven't had one for years now!