beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

you can use fenugreek if you really want, but to me it tastes like rotten celery in beer

extract into vodka is supposed to how maple taste is perceived, that it's what imitation maple syrups are actually made with ... the source of that is reliable, but i was way more excited about the rose hips and they sent the wrong thing, and i trust you too, so i just left it as a refund for the time being ...

those were for the re-brew of the bhut stout ... which isn't on the immediate agenda ...

i'll probably brew something hoppy this weekend, maybe a smaller "double" version of the Red-Eye ...
So, been doing some research where the distiller folks hang out, on oak barrels etc ...

I could write at length about what I'm finding, but instead I'm just going to leave this here in place of all that ...


Oh yeah, baby ...
Yessir ... those guys in that community already have figured out that you won't get BA flavors from toastedness, that you need to hit char temps on your pieces and/or spirals if you want something closer to a barrel! ...
wheebz said:
My summer saison has wakatu hops from New Zealand thank you very much. Because that's how I roll, other hemisphere style like a bawsss
I know, that's what makes it funny =)
We did the one I brewed w/ Pacifica or Pacific Jade or whatever the NZ version of that hop is, that I had ...
I want to make a killer beer this weekend, but I haven't found the one that strikes my fancy yet ...
I don't really want to make the pecan pie beer ... like ... at all ...
I don't have any wheat, or I'd go after something gumbal-esque ...
I have a weird inclination to the use the ECY-11 Belgian White yeast, but I haven't really researched how to best use it yet (and I'm working tonight, because we accepted some rush work at the end of the day) ...
Might just have to brew the Red-Eye again, but smaller (so it's an easier brew), and with the lb of Best Maltx Red X subbed in to try to get a little bit more of a reddish color, since you, the name and all ...
I dunno ... I really want to check out the galaxy hops, too ... but I figure I can do a GH type beer next weekend once the wheat comes ...
I'm open to suggestion ... I'll have those dried rose hips, and I was conceptualizing something using those along with some Citra and 7C or something ...
Feel free to chime in =)
BTW I'm in a giving mood tonight. We finalized the lease and officially signed it. We applied for our TTB application.

Grant you will know this beer

Summadayze IPA - beat out Jai Alai in Best Florida Beer Competition when I entered it

Grain bill

75% 2 row
25% marris otter

151 mash temp, 100ppm calcium, 80ppm chloride, 175ppm sulfate 30ppm mag but you will get that from malt, you want your alkalinity less than 150 if you can

Shoot for 35 ibus total after all additions, I used Columbus for bittering

90 minute boil, WP additions of cascade and nugget, 2 pounds each per 7bbls.

Dry hop of 2 pounds each of cascade, nugget, and CTZ. Make sure your ctz isn't onion or garlic smelling.

Us-05 at 67 ferm temp for 3 days then free rise to 72. Dump yeast before dry hop. Dry hop when terminal. Room temp for 2 days then crash for 4 before dumping all the rest of the yeast and hop material
Shoot for 13.5 Plato. Overpitch by 1.5x. Terminal gravity should be 1.8 to 2.0. No higher. Nutrients and whirlfloc at 15 min
Oh sweet ... congrats on the development in being on your way to operating etc!
That's awesome ... and thanks for sharing tonight, because I got f**ked out of my recipe development night and might have not brewed without this =)
Now I just need to go check on the hops I have ... I have a lot, so I should be good, but I'm not sure if I have nugget ... but I think I can use some Galena for Nugget, if my recollection of their being related is correct ...
You made my night, man ... having to do the recipe dance later tonight was bumming me out ...
Yeah just checked ... no Nugget ... I have Galena, and both GER and US Brewer's Gold, which I think are substitution chart items for Nugget ... any input on replacing the Nugget? ...
FFUUU ... no Cascade either, LOL ...
HBC 438 experimental 1 oz (x3)
aus galaxy 1 oz
cz saaz 1 oz
ger polaris 1 oz
ger brewer's gold 1 oz
ger northern brewer 1 oz
ger tettnang 1 oz
ger hull melon 1 oz
ger magnum 1 oz (x2)
us fuggle 1 oz (x2)
us northern brewer 1oz
us golding 1 oz (x2)
columbus 4 oz
equinox 1 oz
falconer's flight 7 c's 1 oz
citra 1 oz (x2)
galena 1 oz (x2)
amarillo 1 oz
pacific jade 1 oz
sorachi ace 1 oz
zythos 1 oz (x2)
wakatu 1 oz
strisselspalt 1 oz
simcoe 1 oz
hallertau 1 oz
hallertau mittelfruh 1 oz
willamette 2 oz
jarrylo 1 oz
el dorado 1 oz
misc hops:

hopshot (1x)
wheebz said:
Zythps for cascade in whirlpool. No real good nugget sub on dry hop. Galena works OK hostile but nothing like nugget d hop. Nugget is my secret. I love that hop and no one uses it cold side.
Okay, I ordered a pound of Nugget and a couple of ounces of Cascade for Monday via Amazon Prime ...
I'll just do more work over the weekend and take Monday afternoon/evening off to brew your beer, as it should be ...
You don't always have to make my beers dude. They are just some of my recipes I post up. You can alter them if you want.
wheebz said:
Zythps for cascade in whirlpool. No real good nugget sub on dry hop. Galena works OK hostile but nothing like nugget d hop. Nugget is my secret. I love that hop and no one uses it cold side.
Noted. I bought a pound, so I'll have some around ;) Haha ...

wheebz said:
You don't always have to make my beers dude. They are just some of my recipes I post up. You can alter them if you want.
Oh totally, but it seems like Doing It Wrong to not first brew it is as sent ...
I mean, I'm absolutely brewing the 2nd batch of the bhut stout (jayt's) on your base stout from the sekret/miyagi one ... haha ...
I do plan to amend and extend the Red-Eye recipe for the next batch a little bit, too - although that one's one I put together ...
I have six beers online and it's only the Saison and Miyagi stout that are from your recipes, the thing is ... they are the best one's ...
So yeah ... when you post one up, I'm totally going to email it myself and plan to brew it eventually, lol ... but it's definitely not because I don't want to make recipes of my own, it's so I can definitely have good homebrew to drink! =)
Oh, and I mean, the beer that went down the drain (the big barleywine) was the one that you didn't correct ... so that definitely occurs to me, lol ... mostly because it was a nightmare brew session of a huge beer ...
I've got a couple of fairly inspired beers that I haven't shared w/ anyone yet ;) ... one of them is a WLP090 beer ... the other is a test of an ingredient that I can find 0 record of having been used in a beer, but which I think can be PREPARED ideally in a way that makes it beer-friendly!
... and then there's the Purple Haze wheat beer recipe I've got started using dried ube.
Nah ... I've just been giving you a break from the questions ... I have a a bunch of questions I need to ask you about barrels for breweries for the web site I want to build ...
I plan to talk to you, Khrys* from Green Bench, and the guy I found who's importing those Appleton barrels about that, eventually ...
And then there's my whole little secret sous vide beer project that I don't really get into ... but I have a hopshot, and are about to scratch that itch I've had re: sous vide mashing each grain at it's optimal temperature with a portion of the water, sous vide in isolated environments, and combining them in the kettle - versus doing them all together in a shared environment ...
Nah, man ... I'm just giving you a little break from my incessant questions, LOL ...
I still plan to get w/ you some more on brewing an all-Brett fruit-juice-esque IPA before I try it, but that's something I want to do soon ...
I could go on and on, dude ...
Oh, and yeah, the whole barrel-aged mania I have going while I'm drinking all of the commercial BA stouts ...
I'm going to get into getting some BA flavors into my split batches, and maybe even doing some small barrels - once I figure out if there's a beer I can BA at 74F room temp, because I can't cold-chamber barrels here at home ... lol ... not yet, anyways ...
tctenten said:
That is an interesting idea with the sous vide the grains separately at their optimal temps.
Or in combo's ... doing half the base malts w/ some of the specialty grains at one temp, and the other half w/ the other specialty grains at a different temp, too ... so that each pack can have it's specialty grains in their sweet spot ...
The water chemistry could be different in each bag, possibly giving each grain exactly what it wants in terms of pH, time, temperature, and/or even getting into adding enzymes etc on a per-ingredient basis ...
Partially because I have a lot of sous vide and/or temp-controller equipment at the end of the day, which kind of begs to be used en masse for the sheer geek-boner =)
wheebz said:
Longest post ever
#PurpleHazeWit #BananadineDream
OK you fucks. Stop over thinking stuff. You are doing 2 gallons to 7 gallons at a time. You will never ever ever duplicate recipes from your coveted local breweries.

Don't mess with your water for a gallon of beer. Don't over compensate for dumb stuff for 10 gallons or 15 or 5 or 2 or whatever.

Make beer and get drunk. I didn't leave engineering school for you buttfaces to talk about trivial stuff on your home brew scales.

Im drunk, but it's the truth. All you in this thread can make good beer. You have the fundementals. Go make some cool shit
You all make good beer. You have good practices. Send me some too btw
wheebz said:
OK you f**ks. Stop over thinking stuff. You are doing 2 gallons to 7 gallons at a time. You will never ever ever duplicate recipes from your coveted local breweries.

Don't mess with your water for a gallon of beer. Don't over compensate for dumb stuff for 10 gallons or 15 or 5 or 2 or whatever.

Make beer and get drunk. I didn't leave engineering school for you buttfaces to talk about trivial stuff on your home brew scales.

Im drunk, but it's the truth. All you in this thread can make good beer. You have the fundementals. Go make some cool shit
You all make good beer. You have good practices. Send me some too btw
I can't wait until you brew one of my beers on the big system.
wheebz said:
You all make good beer. You have good practices. Send me some too btw
Everyone else bottles ... and now that Ozzy sent me a couple bottles of his homebrew, I'm sure I'll get off my ass and figure out the BeerGun ...
grantmichaels said:
I can't wait until you brew one of my beers on the big system.
Everyone else bottles ... and now that Ozzy sent me a couple bottles of his homebrew, I'm sure I'll get off my ass and figure out the BeerGun ...
Did they make there ok?
tctenten said:
Did they make there ok?
Not yet, I was refering to the gesture of sending them, more so than the actual shipping of them ... but you know ... 2nd BC stout tonight, with a Devil Dancer in the middle ...