beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

tctenten said:
Wow!! Arthur Anderson... Have not heard that name in ages. I majored in accounting and they were one of the "big six" when I interviewed. Pretty sure they have been morphed into something different now. I thank my lucky stars that I choose this job over an accounting one.
Yeah ... I went there in the height of the competition vs KPMG or whatever it was ...
Solved some big problems in their codebase, got paid more money than I've made again in a year since (at age 20), and then within one year got escorted to my car w/ my shit in a box ... but not before I slammed my chair over my desk and monitor =) ... 20 yr old Grant was not about to fire half the team the day after tax season end ...
tctenten said:
I would have liked to witness that....I have seen phones & handsets bite the dust....but never the chair into the monitor.  
They called my phone from the Support Manager Meeting's conference phone and told me to fire 3/4 of the AA employees, and to keep 1/2 the Kelly Services temps for the Summer ...
I stood up and grabbed the Herman Miller by the arms and cleared my desk w/ it, knocking the monitor off the back, and toppling the rented plant all over the floor ...
Then I made my way to Roger DeRose's office, walked in on his meeting and told the person in there with him to leave, and sat down across from him and we had a talk ...
It was a good talk about how corporate life wasn't going to be a good fit for me and he apologized, called HR to arrange for two-weeks severance, and then asked me if I would prefer to clear my area, or have it mailed to me ...
So, I didn't mention it earlier, but this beer either fermented like gang-busters despite 65F and petered out (which isn't great) ...

There isn't a fucking bubble to be seen this morning ...
Later I'll open it up and give it a little Fermaid K and check the gravity to see if it just happened damn fast, or if it failed along the way ...
I mean ... last night it was shooting foam 1 ft out of the Erlenmeyer and this morning there wasn't a bubble to see ...

I probably should check the corny's emergency valve and verify it's not building up pressure, actually ... LOL ...
My last one started bubbling Saturday night and by Tuesday night when I dry hopped...not a bubble.   Smaller batch size, so I am assuming it did it's job.  I am going to take a gravity reading Sunday before I cold crash it.
Like ...

Well, I'm into the next phase of homebrewing ...
I'm still getting anxious after brewing, only now I just get anxious that my ferm wasn't throttled as well as I'd like, that I'm producing esters ...
I used to be worried that it wasn't happening fast enough ...
Would have been nice to have a little honeymoon period between the two, but I guess that's just not who I am ...
I'll pull a gravity tonight, but I opened it up and all signs point to beer ... high dried krausen ... I think what happened is that I pitching into 78-79F wort and the freezer didn't bring the temp down fast at all set at 65F, and that the ferm took place in a gradient of warmth from 79F down to maybe like low 70's because it was a full 3 gallon batch and the freezer just doesn't have much cooling power ...
Pretty sure this batch is only moderately more temp-controlled than having been left at room temp for the critical 1st days of ferm ...
Oh well, it's my fault ... I thought about Wheebz telling me he'd run to the bar for a few hours while his wort chilled before pitching dry US-05, and I decided I wanted to sleep and pitched into 79F when I could have waited and pitched it when I woke up, into cooler wort ...
Next time ...
Fingers crossed S-04's ester character isn't offensive ...
I almost hope it flocc'd out early at like 70%, it would be a nice base beer to secondarily infect w/ Brett ... I've had this possibility in mind all along in creating it ... which is why I used S-04 instead of US-05 ...
Those fruity Brett vials sing to me each time I open the fridge ...
grantmichaels said:
I was studying holography and minimal surface topologies at UF (before I left to work at Arthur Andersen doing tax software) ... I love bubbles ... and klein bottles ;)
Funny, my first position after graduating from college was with Accenture which used to be a part of Arthur Anderson. Not many fond memories of my time there and then just like you I was asked to come to the HR office one day and escorted with my stuff out of the building. Made the decision right then and there I wouldn't work for Corporate America again.
RocketMan said:
Funny, my first position after graduating from college was with Accenture which used to be a part of Arthur Anderson. Not many fond memories of my time there and then just like you I was asked to come to the HR office one day and escorted with my stuff out of the building. Made the decision right then and there I wouldn't work for Corporate America again.

wheebz said:
love me some absinthe
I got a OG gravity of 21.25P at the end of whirlpool, but a gravity of 20.00P post chilling ...
I'm assuming the 20P is more accurate as the OG, right? ...
Dying to get done w/ work and run to fetch us some Tijuana Flats real qiuck, so I can switch the blow-off connection to the CO2 tank and take a hydro sample tonight to see where it ended up ...
So ... if it started with an OG or ~20-21P, was 91% old pilsner and 9% flaked wheat with a 1/4 lb starch (purple potato) in a 3 gallon batch, and had a boatload of pure O2 and 360 million cells of (dry) S-04 pitched into upper 70's wort ... i guess 180 million survivors is still a pretty good pitching into 3 gallons of bathwater temp wort ...
I guess it just went buck wild in there ... love these light-colored wort's compared to the roasty/toasty dark-colored beers ...
I updated Beersmith to incl the longer boil time, the .5lb DME, and the shift in the hopping timing's ...
That changed the beer from whatever it was, to a 21P post-boil beer, with 80 IBU's, and an estimated FG of 3.75P ...
It'll be interesting to see how many P it is tonight ...
Also of note, there's less CO2 in solution than usual ... there were zero bubbles, and no build-up CO2 in the keg ... like, at all ... creepily ...
I guess it happened so fast, and warm, and arguably violently that the temp was too high to hold gas in solution ...
Another interesting batch ...

The hops, and yeast, scrubbed the purps, too ...



These crafty f**kers managed a hoppy porter, got it all to meld under some coffee notes ... another interesting beer from 3F, thx D3!


Be cracking open some cans from Ozzy later, after getting a gravity, after dinner, after wrapping up work ...

Looks nice in the glass, I can almost smell hops and coffee
I always wanted to try Marilyn Mansons brand of absinthe called Mansinthe. If for anything just the bottle art. I always wanted a few pieces of his water color work. 


Some Papa Johns. I baked a frozen dutch apple pie. Letting it cool before I wreck some with a bottle of MoonGlow $10 for a 4 pack.... but at least I found some. 
#takeout #twinsies


Tijuana Flats is pretty rockin', better yet for having a drive-up window ...


Blackened chicken, killer queso, and crunchy chips ...


Danielle rocks their nachos ... chicken and black bean ...

#good #ish
D3monic said:
Some Papa Johns. I baked a frozen dutch apple pie. Letting it cool before I wreck some with a bottle of MoonGlow $10 for a 4 pack.... but at least I found some.
No no no to Papa Johns. There has to be better pizza than that where you live.

Yes yes yes to the nachos.
I like papa johns ever now and then. I'm not a big fan of these "Chicago pizza" places It was a toss up between pizza hut or papa johns. I had a gift card with $12 on it so was going cheap since the wife forgot to pull something for dinner tonight. 