beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

grantmichaels said:
Ordered an MM3 last night ...Probably going to brew this afternoon out of boredom!

I contemplated brewing my last kit this afternoon....decided against it because I will not be here to monitor fermentation. Everyone is packed so I guess I will just drink beer and chill.
grantmichaels said:
Ordered an MM3 last night ...

Probably going to brew this afternoon out of boredom!
I gave 'em the MAC addy switcheroo ...
Plug Mac directly into cablemodem ...
Force change the MAC addy to a new random one == pull new IP ...
Change MAC back ...
Plug router back in ...
All set ...
LOL ...
Tryin' to censor the THP ... pffft ...
tctenten said:
I contemplated brewing my last kit this afternoon....decided against it because I will not be here to monitor fermentation. Everyone is packed so I guess I will just drink beer and chill.
I might have to brew one up today ...
I can't idle this long ...
I need to accomplish something ...
Beer sounds like a good accomplishment ...
I think I might pimp up that Fall Guy beer w/ the pecan pie filling, and add the apple jack spices to the whirlpool equation ...
If I had maris otter I would brew the Red-Eye, because while the Zorg is tasty (Galaxy), nothing is quite like the Citra ... for me, anyways ...
Looking forward to beering later, too ... picked up the Barrel-Aged Ten Fidy my sister sent me for the holiday from mom's last night ...
Have to NitroBrew that puppy later for the glory ...
What beer, though? ...
It's either going to be the Fall Guy (kind of like a nut brown ale, I guess) or an Imperial Milk Stout ...
Hmmmmmmm ...
I have to admit, I kind of want to do an all-Brett Citra & Citrus-y IPA using the Brett Trois ...
I would have to do some homework on a recipe for that, though, and I think you need to really build up those starters because the Brett vials ship with only a few (like 3, I think) million cells if I recall ...
And the starters are different ...
You start like 7-10x days in advance, I think, and after 1L goes 5x days, you add another L of wort to step-up the starter, and then you have to let it sit off the plate for a couple of day's before you pitch, I presume so the Brett switches gears from the budding to fermenting, so it goes in ready to jam on it ...
I don't know ... that seems like something I can just whip up ...
I'm going to do one of those soon, though ... but I might just do a gallon of that on the stove and pitch the WL vial and see if it can't get a gallon done, LOL ...
Mulberara Un-style update ...

Ferm slowing a bit, so I'm grabbing one last interval gravity before I pull the ferm-keg out of the chamber to let it free-rise out in the brewery (so I can turn the ferm chamber down for a new occupant tonight ...

I don't want to let air in there if there's not sufficient CO2 production to evac it readily ...

the surface of the beer looks like Berlin after the war ...


but it smells great ...


and, more importantly, it's going to finish out!


there's still a shit-ton of yeast, and by-products of them, in solution from all of the rousing ...


the color is fascinating and it's deliciously boozy ...

dare I liken the experience to BC barleywine ...


#tickled - and actually, a little buzzed lol ...
big huge malty beer makes me smile ...

Wheebz's techniques have scaled as far as I've been able to take them ... again.

this one's a heavy weight even on brewery terms, and there yeast for days in it, but that's what they have going on when they pitch onto a cake from a prior beer too ...
That's crazy looking. Curious how much of that will fall out after you crash it. It could look like your drinking paint lol

It'll lose the opacity, keep the color, is my guess ...

The yeast hasn't flocc'd, or some of the yeast hasn't - whichever ...

This beer could legitmately hit 1.035 from here, I think, given the amount of activity at present ... which would be a pretty excellent outcome ...
wheebz said:
Ideally for that beer should be 5 to 6 plato finishing
if you can hit that, your a champ
Beersmith estimated 6.5P for an OG of 31.5P ...
It was 34P, so I'll be happy if it hits 7-8P, I think ... but we'll see where it goes ...

It's still totally fermenting, the yeast hasn't even begun to flocc that I can tell, and it's at 75F ...
So, maybe!
On to my next mission ...