beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

Glad I looked, I think I found like 2-3# M.O. along w/ 10# pale for a total of 30# British pale ..


sadly, I have a shit-ton of black and roasted barley, but still no chocolate ... grrr ...



tomorrow I'll weigh them, and update my inventory file, but I took pics so I can work on a recipe from the couch without disturbing Danielle, lol ...



and a little chart to help me w/ the likenesses ...

Last day of work, then I have 10 off. Looking forward to not going to work, but there is no time for brewing.

zzzzzZzzz couch dtunky sleep ...


just had a moment of divine intervention ...



there's 8 oz chocolate ...


and there's 8 oz more in another ...

I'll just steal from the kits I'm never gonna brew ... so I can brew a stout later ...

I think I'll go back to sleep now!
grantmichaels said:
lol, just ordered some MO and choc and bohemian pils this AM ;)

thanks for offering, though!

i have enough w/ 2x 8 oz packs for this afternoon too, so i'll brew ... yay!

christmas brews-for-jews =)
If I remember I will drop some food pics in here fore you later. 
Sweet ...
Looking forward to brewing ...
I think I'll brew today, which will put a 3rd keg in the ferm chamber (full), and then tomorrow I'll dry-hop the Zorg and move it into the keezer to start carbing, and then maybe on Saturday I'll brew again - something using pale malt ... probably like a nut brown ale using that Trader Joe's pie filling or whatever ...
Then, I'll be all filled up ... and I can wash and sanitize and retire the small kettle ... which is fitting, considering I paid it off last night ... LOL.
Hey GM how long does it take to force carb small bottle of beer?  I want to force carb a sample of the sour batch like I was saying and wanted to have a guesstimate.  How much pressure did you do too?  30psi?
Ozzy2001 said:
Hey GM how long does it take to force carb small bottle of beer?  I want to force carb a sample of the sour batch like I was saying and wanted to have a guesstimate.  How much pressure did you do too?  30psi?
I do soda at like 40 psi in 2L bottles, so I mean, just load it up at like 35-45 psi, when it's cold, and shake the shit out of it - with the gas line upright so liquid doesn't go up into your gas line ... which it won't under 40 psi, presumably, anyways ...
Shake it for like one full minute ...
Pop the gas off the 2L, and let it sit w/ the carbonator cap on in the fridge for a bit to calm down a little bit ...
When you open it, twist a little and release a little and then close it back ... little vents ... open, close, open, close to keep it from spraying ...
I wear polycarb eye protection when I release the gas into the 2L ...
Oh yeah, you want to be squeezing the 2L to have no air in there when you cap it to, so it's all CO2 preferably ...
Best to use a PET bottle small enough that your sample takes up most of the space ...
Word...thanks. I think I'm going to give it a taste later. I'm really curious if I will spit it out or think omg...wonderful. I have a feeling it will be one or the other lol.
Mine is a 2k element, 120v, and it's working well now that it's not June ...

I don't have any complaint about the time to boil, which is probably 15-25 mins, depending in whether or not I'm coming from 146-147F or 151-153F ...

Most of the beers I do, I end up doing 24-45 minute rests/steps back and forth between those two ranges ...

I've found that extending the mash produces less undesirable flavors/bitterness than squeezing the grain bag for gravity ... from tannins or whatever ...

The humidty in the worst of summer seemed to adversely affect the boil ...
I guess I need to mix up some sanitizer and take a gravity on the new beer, since it's slowing down appreciably ...

While I have StarSan, I think I'll treat a Clear Beer and rack the Zorg into a flushed service keg w/ another oz of Galaxy and some biofine, and plug it into the keezer to chill/dry-hop/carbonate for a week or so ...
Planning to just drink that one from the top down, with the second oz of Galaxy chillin on the bottom ...
Mulberara update ...

Need to figure out the original gravity in SG, now ...




so then ...


clearly plenty of yeast and starches in suspension, still, but it's still bubbling too, I just thought it prudent to monitor coming up on 48 hrs ...

Smells nice, and a taste off he hydrometer was pleasant ...

So, let's come up w/ some attenuation, CG targets and do some scenarios for 1.030 and 1.040 FG ...

I'll do both OG's ... because I'm not sure if it was an OG of 1.145 or 1.150 truthfully ...

Let's see 1.040 ...



That would be a ~14% ABV beer that's 70% attenuated ...

I would be happy w/ that, honestly, but that's 20 more points ...

While in there ...


This beer is now on it's own and because the Zorg is out, I might let it run warmer than 72F, we'll see ...

Anyways, let's see the numbers in the event it makes it down to 1.030, just for fun ...




That would mean the yeast-army managed 77-78% attenuation ...

We'll see!