beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

Yeah, I'm reading someone's opinion that the roasted barley contributes the least to head color, being considered with chocolate and black patent ...
This fits my experience ...
I will have to poke at that a little on the stove ...
I'm actually really excited about the stove-top stuff coming up ...
Kasteel Tripel
oooohhhhhhhh that's sexy ... i've noticed the belgian's mostly all pour super sexy ...

i have to manage to brew that Red Eye this weekend ... i can't stop without another batch of the Red Eye ...
a citra ipa is pretty much required in my arsenal, now ...
once it comes time to brew, i think the mulberara and the mild can live in the 65-70F ferm-temp range fairly safely for a week, right? ...
otherwise i'll have to hammer out Wheebz saison by the glass from now until the weekend ...
but, i think it'll work pretty nicely, actually ...
once the Red-Eye is done, then I'll crash the whole freezer at once, and use my aux CO2 tank in there as a 2nd tank so i can pressurize a 3rd keg ... or, I think I have some sort of Y connection that I could put two kegs on a single regulator with, but I hate those flare-fittings (in terms of leakage) ...
most high end belgians are super sexy because they use unmodified malts and do proper multi stage mash rests
Buddy of mine that worked at Ommegang said they mash Duvel over 2 and a half hours, with a gradual increase from 120 to 168 mash out temp, and it pours fucking amazing, using unmalted wheat and raw oats and only slightly modified barley
wheebz said:
most high end belgians are super sexy because they use unmodified malts and do proper multi stage mash rests
Buddy of mine that worked at Ommegang said they mash Duvel over 2 and a half hours, with a gradual increase from 120 to 168 mash out temp, and it pours f**king amazing, using unmalted wheat and raw oats and only slightly modified barley
Interesting ...
Sometimes I like Belgian's, sometimes I don't ... not one or another as much as just - wanting to be drinking the style or not ...
Fuck it ... I'll do one more batch, then I'm truly without a place to put the beer except for out in the room, in a glass carboy (so no room-temp lagering under pressure because no 5 gallon corny's open) ...
brew a belgian wit, let it sit at room temp, an ounce of orange peel and an 3/4ths of an ounce of fresh ground coriander offee grinder for 5 gallons, and use US-05
Blue Moon Clone
no joke
one of my favorite beers to make during the summer, 50 pils, 40 wheat, 10 oats, 5% ABV, that ratio of spices, and US05 at like 70
ok, sounds good ... it'll be more like 73-74F, but the US-05 temp-driven esters are said to be stone-fruity, I think I recall, which wouldn't be too out of place or style ...
thanks ...
i'll be able to get excited to do a non-pils saison out in the room, i guess ... and/or or a pils one w/ American ...
can i also do the brett trois IPA at 73-74F the whole way? ...
wheebz said:
brew a belgian wit, let it sit at room temp, an ounce of orange peel and an 3/4ths of an ounce of fresh ground coriander offee grinder for 5 gallons, and use US-05
Blue Moon Clone
no joke
one of my favorite beers to make during the summer, 50 pils, 40 wheat, 10 oats, 5% ABV, that ratio of spices, and US05 at like 70
Nice.... I was wanting a good Blue Moon recipe. Thanks!
What's mash temp on that? 150-152 ish?
wheebz said:
Like 150. And yeah use trios at room temp with no control on it.
Hell use it for that blue moon thingy
That's what I was thinking ...
That purple haze witbier recipe I've been working on is real similar to what you put above, and I'd planned to use the ube, citra, rose hip, and do it as a 100% brett trois beer ...
Maybe I'll piggy-back everything I was planning to do, onto your grist (choices and ratios etc) ...
That sounds fun, actually ... and I have a bunch of red wheat coming because I was going to do a Gumballhead on the stove-top ...
I think I really will just stove it up, though, but do two ...
I'd rather make two single gallons of beer on the stove w/ 240v and simple sanitization etc (and ice) ... than make 3 gallons in the electric brewery ...
I could stack a lot of those little big mouth bubblers in my ferm-chamber, and then just get like 1-2x of those little 1.75 gallon kegs, so that I can have one slot in the keezer for quick turn around gallons - which would be fun, and honestly, I am definitely going to do this ...
The one freezer will always been 65-70F, and the other at keezer, and it can have 3x 3-5 gallon kegs + 1x 1.75-2.5 gallon keg, and I'll do splits into the 3x big one's of my tried-and-true's, and I'll run gallon to 2.5 gallon batches either from the eBIAB rig or the stove, through the 4th slot on the d. block and on the shelf ...
Wow ... finally ... the final touch on how to move beer through my devices and solve all of my wishes and wants ...
Better yet for not having to buy much - just a 1-2x 1.75's ...
This solves one of the things that drives me crazy, actually ... that's exciting (for me) ...
I am about to E-Fight some douche on one of my car forums for being an ignorant douche
I owned the car you are talking about and I did the full head rebuild and the turbo install on the car you are talking shit about, SO SCREW YOU BUD!!!!
sorry, back to the gameplan, make good beer!!!
my damn pils malt hasn't shipped, ships tomorrow (from Cali) =(

will brew something red-eye-esque ahead of this weekend for new year's, and then next week I'll do the brett trois wit for a room temp ferm ...