beer =[ GM's 1st 16x Batches, and/or 10 mo. Brewing ]=

grantmichaels said:
yeah, when it's at ABC, i always buy a bottle w/ whatever else ...

my taste is changing though, now ...

things liked i can barely drink anymore ...
I've noticed the same thing. I used to really like Sam Adams Octoberfest. I tried one this season and about wanted to pour it out. There are some other ones I can't think of at the moment, but yeah, definitely some change.
dare i say, i'm moving on from the dessert-like beers ... including my beloved chocolate milk stouts ...
i think my palate is wise to the filtered & back-sweetened beers - and is revolting ...
i poured out a terrapin that i once liked the other day ...
grantmichaels said:
dare i say, i'm moving on from the dessert-like beers ... including my beloved chocolate milk stouts ...
i think my palate is wise to the filtered & back-sweetened beers - and is revolting ...
i poured out a terrapin that i once liked the other day ...
Oh I'm not disliking a whole style. Just particular beers.
Ozzy2001 said:
Oh I'm not disliking a whole style. Just particular beers.
like with drinks, coffee, etc ... i'm falling out of love w/ anything artificially flavored or sweetened, I think ...
i like coffee, toffee, biscuit etc when it's driven by the yeast, naturally, but not the shit that's blended in ...
Zorg daily tasting (Galaxy experience) ...


Going to be a sexy one ...
FML ...
Did an awesome job cleaning up from my last batch (again), plate chiller and kettle CIP and all ...
Also forget the strainer basket w/ the spent grain in csr port (again) ... and get to hose off mold and sterilize it to be able to brew with it in the next couple of days (again) ...
I need to remember to go outside after I clean up the kitchen, and dump and spray it when it'll take two seconds - FFUUUU ...
Ozzy2001 said:
done =( ...
i am brewing good beer right now, and i'm thankful as hell for that ...
but fuck if i don't keep doing dumb shit that's making brewing messier and more of a PITA than it needs to be ...
i need to get some red lettering that says 'think about what you are about to do' for a couple of items in particular ... namely the strainer funnel, and a piece of red tape around the depressor of the picnics to hopefully remind me to put them in the closed position when i pop my picnic on the keg ... which is often at like 30-45 psi because i haven't yet bled off the force carb pressure ... something else i often forget to do before i pull the first pour ...
Still no fucking Maris Otter on hand ...
I'm going to buy a sack of Maris Otter this weekend after I double check that I haven't ordered it MULTIPLE times already ...
I hate when I accidentally forget how long it takes for ship to come from Northern Brewer to Florida using the fucking mule they must send it on ...
I'm still in a scenario such that the only malt I have w/ significant diastatic power is British Pale ...
No pils ... not enough wheat to matter ... no vienna ... no munich ...
Bah fucking humbug ... I ordered shit ages ago, but the holiday orders were slow leaving, and the couriers are literally sucking at life this year in terms of transit times for ground shit ...
Boooooooooo ...
I'm going to focus on the drinking and let the td take care of itself, I guess ...

Honestly I'm bummed ... can't bottle because the bottles arrived broken, can't really brew anything I've been working on due to missing grains, and already brewed the Zorg and the Mild just to brew ...

Worst yet, there's boxes and shit for people all around and on my desk waiting for me to bottle that's been there two weeks already ...

Honestly, I think I might just send out the boxes without the beer, and then revisit mailing homebrew later ...