Gnarly/Wicked Pod Page

Well, I can't come close to many of the pods posted, but here is my 7 pot x Bhut Devil (unknown nagas crossed) I crossed.

Bhut Devils on the bottom, which look wicked imo, compared to bhut jolokias on top:

Edit: k. skwerl, your Ghost Tails are looking great! I gave you some Bhut Devils seeds right? I had a difficult season this year, so no Ghost tails yet, but they will be coming :) .
Here's some 'Gnarly Pod Porn' in a sense.
This grew out from seeds from my last year's Serrano X Peter Pepper.
This is the 'French Variety'...(some of you might catch on to the meaning).


3/5King said:

"Not" Black Naga: Mean Red Cross

That would be one atomic donut hole.....stuff it with jelly and roll that biotch in sugar!!
I see your Mean Red Cross and raise you 100 trillion fiat dollars.

Looking good King!
The MRC is a bad ass pepper.