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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning.

Still, "OW" this morning, though.... I keep telling myself "a year from now, everything will be back to normal....just be patient!"
Good morning all! Finishing up my 12 hour night shift (my normal shift) watching the thunderstorm out the window! Good sleep this morning to come!!
mornin' all...make somebody smile today...share your happiness by "paying it forward"...it will make the world a better place...
Good morning America (and all the other countries rep'd here)!!! Man I haven't been up this early since that hot dog incident in 95'.....well, up and at em'. Hope all of you chile heads have a fantastic day =)
Good morning everybody!...........Whoever's doing the rain dance can stop now...

Sounds of "pea size" hail been rattling off the skylites and windows............I'll have to check for "sniper holes" in my plants leaves at daylight.

Dang, whats next..............sunburn leaves................lol..................Don't you DARE wish for it!

Good morning!!!! So damn tired of mother nature she's a real biotch. Been going out with friends and because of the stupid law of not being able to smoke indoors (unless at an Indian run establishment) I get to freeze my arse and other parts off and get soaked. Mother nature needs to get laid or take some damn midol! And no I am not gonna quit smoking cuz she wants to have a trip fit. Ok rant over!!!

Happy freaking Friday y'all!!!!!!!! :cheers:

Sorry hubby its your Monday.
have a good weekend all...I will be "out of pocket" all weekend...