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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. Sunny with temps in the 60s. It looks like a few drier days until Mother’s Day. We have layette assembly on the docket this AM, then food bank delivery. Much more to cleanup at the CG after it dries. Harry, you deserve a long vacation - fishing planned?

In hope you enjoy the day. Stay healthy and blessed.
Good morning.  It's 44 on its way to 65.  Got the mowing and trimming done yesterday.  Also, got the last of the raised bed repairs completed.  Removed all of the dead canes from the blackberries too.  The iris, lilac and weigela are in full blossom.  From the garden, we are harvesting lettuce, asparagus and radishes everyday.  The potatoes and beets are up.  GIP's garlic and the onions are looking great.  I'll have to check the chore list for today.  Not sure what we've got going on.  Be safe, be blessed and be good.  
Good morning. We worked on cleaning to patio, moving overwinter peppers that may be tossed. Overwintering peppers might be a project for someone else. Everything is starting to green up, especially the nearby fire area. Time to enjoy the beauty we see.

Have a wonderful day and stay healthy. Be blessed.
Bike ride with a buddy this morning. Wont be real fast as both of us have been slacking lately. I will work on mushroom stuff this afternoon.  Wife and I are going to party this evening. Yall have a great day and good morning.
Good morning.  It's 55 on its way to 78.  Should be a nice day.  Severe storms are forecasted for tonight.  Outside chores today and maybe run a few errands.  Fajitas and beverages this evening.  Gonna sit on the back porch and watch the storms roll-in after that.  Be safe, be blessed and be good.  S.M.I.L.E.
Good morning. Looks like a beautiful day before the rain returns for a few days. Only a few errands to do and then enjoy being outside. The kids will be here tomorrow, with lunch at a Mongolian restaurant. The plants enjoyed their few days outside, they will enjoy the lights for a few colder days. Sic - where’s that pic of you and your wife after a wedding?

Have a wonderful day and stay healthy. Count your blessings.
Good morning and Happy Mother's Day.  It's 52 on its way to nowhere.  Bumpy ride last night as the severe storms rolled through.  Cloudy, cold and windy today.  Not sure what we've got going on.  Maybe some errands and taking it easy.  Grilling and beverages this evening.  Be safe and be good.    
Good morning and happy Mother’s Day. 39*F and raining, which should continue for a few days. Crazy weather this year, though I’d rather not have the wildfires from last year return.

Sic- the pic - in the house - wife is wearing a long dress - you are in a tux or suit - after a wedding - very nice picture

Enjoy your day and make someone’s day a bit brighter.
Good morning.  It's 46 (8c) on its way to 58 (14c).  A little rain in the forecast for this afternoon.  Moderate meeting schedule today.  Yesterday, my wife finally got her second vaccine shot.  We'll see how she does.  Not much else is happening.  We're now harvesting onions, asparagus, lettuce and radishes.  Looks like it will be a great year for strawberries.  Be safe and be good.  
Good morning. Rain and snow yesterday, more predicted for today. I feel sorry for the gardeners who wanted to get a jump start on their gardens, as they may have to replant. Our plant out dates have been moved to the end of May unless it dries out sooner. I’m watching the neighbors dogs again as she starts another round of chemo. All the best to Harry’s wife after her 2nd shot.

Have a wonderful day and stay healthy.
Good morning.  It's 47 (8c) on its way to 63 (17c).  Extremely busy meeting schedule today.  My wife's 2nd vaccine shot hit her pretty hard.  She crashed at around 5:00 PM!  Hopefully she's OK today.  Not much else is happening.  We'll finish our plant out this coming Friday.  Be safe and be good.  