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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Good morning. 25-33F and snowing. WX said the streets should be icy after a bit of rain yesterday. Coffee group is a maybe as the old folks may want to stay inside. Re:planting tomato seeds too early - with our snow in May, I’ve learned the hard way to wait to plant seeds. Mother Nature has not always been kind lately.
Have a great start to the weekend. Glad to hear of your trailer purchase, Downriver. Nice addition to your garden. Stay safe and warm.
Good morning. 25-33F and snowing. WX said the streets should be icy after a bit of rain yesterday. Coffee group is a maybe as the old folks may want to stay inside. Re:planting tomato seeds too early - with our snow in May, I’ve learned the hard way to wait to plant seeds. Mother Nature has not always been kind lately.
Have a great start to the weekend. Glad to hear of your trailer purchase, Downriver. Nice addition to your garden. Stay safe and warm.
Re: starting tomato seeds too early ..... If the WX changes back to winter here and our "normal" plant out window becomes higher probability (1st week in May), those dudes that started tomato seeds a month ago will have plants that are 4-5' tall and an unmanageable jungle indoors without major intervention(s). We're talking about dozens of plants these guys are growing. I learned that lesson a looooong time ago. On the other hand, with the changes in the WX we're seeing .... we might be starting seeds in December and planting out in March before long :rolleyes:!
Good morning. It's overcast and 43F, on its way to 46F. Real Feel 36F. Calling for wind and rain all day. Looks like I'll be inside today. Probably futz in the seed room a bit. Hope everybody has a super Saturday. Be safe out there and watch out for Mother Nature.
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Good morning. It's 31F on its way to 53F. The rain has relented and moved on to DR. It's a cool blue bird day. Big breakfast this morning and watching the matches. Thinking about doing my Spring landscaping cleanup .... just thinking about it :rolleyes: . Maybe do some day drinking instead. Chicken mole later on. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. Sunny with a blanket of snow that should melt in a day or two. We have another birthday dinner celebration tonight, this time it’s Italian. How was your birthday Harry??
A few more peppers are popping, and I’m resisting the urge to visit a favorite nursery until possibly May. By then I should figure out what I’d like and not be overpowered by all the plants.
Have a wonderful weekend. S.M.I.L.E. and put these miracles to use.
Good morning. It's 20F on its way to 63F. Warmer and sunny. Watching the PL matches, then having a big breakfast and then I've got some office work to do. Futzing in-between. Old school sloppy Joes this evening. ~7 weeks from plant out (WX permitting). Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 41F, on its way to 43F. Real Feel 35F. Wind Advisory - gusts to 55mph. Received 1.2" of rain yesterday. Ground is pretty saturated. That's ok, I don't plan on tilling anything today anyway, lol. Another day to stay inside. Probably be a chill day, for the most part, which is a good thing. I already feel like I lost an hour somehow. Hope everybody has a peaceful and restful Sunday. Be safe out there and don't forget to change your clocks!
Good morning and Happy lose an hour of sleep day. Most of the snow has melted but WX says not to worry as we should have more snow by the weekend. Oh joy. At least the trees are happy.
Nap this afternoon and leftovers for dinner. The joys of life.
Have a great Sunday. Stay safe and healthy.
Good morning. It's 42F on its way to 72F. Sunny, breezy and still unseasonably warm. Office work this morning and then I'm working outside. Got a kid coming over today to start working off his debt to me by cleaning up the landscaping and getting the garden ready for planting. The young fella owes me 48 hours of labor. Nothing much else is going on today. Spaghetti this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 37F, on its way to 53F. Wind advisory still in effect until noon. Need to run a few errands today, then home and futz. I wonder if margaritas are on the agenda this evening. Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe and enjoy your day.
Good morning. Cloudy and warmer 36-60F. Planning on removing some of the mulch on the garlic at home, hoping for some greenery. Coffee group and Monday errands, then work on basement. I hope to make cookies some time this week, but not sure when.
Have a wonderful day. I haven’t seen any bugs or bees out yet, but Spring is slowly on its way. Stay healthy.
Good morning. It's 50F on its way to 74F. Breezy and very warm. Maybe a T-Storm. Office work and giving instruction to my outdoor helper (if he shows up). I might try to get the boat out this afternoon. Not much else is happening. My annuums and tomatoes are starting to pop. My chinenses are popping but typically slow. Chili-Mac this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's sunny and 51F, on its way to 68F. Beautiful day on tap. Well, last night was indeed Margarita Monday, best I can recall. Slow start this morning, but plan on getting outside and work in the garden and/or do some yard maintenance. Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. Be safe out there and enjoy the day.