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off-topic Good Mornin' Thread - For those that get up really early and post

Jane its Florida snow, ash from a controlled burn which was still active in a few spots. Croom is a 30 minute drive north. Old mining town that is now mainly a preserve. I hope to maybe live there one day. It has miles and miles of mountain bike, hiking, horse, and atv trails. Any homes are on a few acres backed up to the forest. Ive put in a lot of hours out there only second to the Green Swamp but you aint living out there. I do have a few errands to run today and a couple chores but I believe most of the day will be chilling with some mild futzing. Have a great day and good morning.
Good morning. Sic- Croom sounds like a better place to enjoy nature. You’re lucky to have such a beautiful place close(r). I never picture FL with mountains!
Lots of shopping, gift wrapping yesterday besides making “eggnog pie” in individual glass jars. This was just a test run for how much spices and rum to add - not rum flavoring as the recipe called for. Turned out good but we’ll tweak the recipe again.
Saturday cleanup after wrapping so many gifts. UPS to get the box sent off, then maybe organize gifts, etc.
Have a wonderful weekend. Enjoy the dry weather as best you can, or the moisture when it falls. Stay healthy for the holidays.
Well there isnt any mountains. A mountain bike is just a type of bike with suspension and wide tires which is needed for lots of riding here. Out at Croom there is still 100 foot drops that were mined out. We do have small hills here in central Florida. I can leave from my house and climb 6000 feet on a road bike ride. It takes 100 miles but hey,lol. There are hills where Ive hit 47 mph. The hills we do have are short but steep.
Sic-OK, you have hills, mountains per se. They are still a challenge to ride, I’m sure. Come here, you’ll see what a few mountains look like, especially driving I-70 through Glenwood Canyon. Don’t know how those guys that built the canyon made it so beautiful. The Dolores River Canyon drive is also a favorite of mine.
Good morning. It's 42F on its way to 56F. Mostly cloudy, breezy and warm. No mountains here but eastern Kansas is all about rolling hills and it's definitely not flat like most people think (as in the western part of the state). Making a big breakfast this morning and then futzing until the NFL comes on. Frying up some crappie and walleye this evening. Be safe and be good.
Good morning. It's 42F, on its way to 60F. Breezy, with periods of clouds and sunshine. Sounds good! Futzed with the new phone yesterday. Did I say my old phone DIED? Which means I lost ALL my data/history, and need to re-install/configure all the apps I use. What a pain in the arse. It will be an ongoing task. Today is more futzing - seeds, phone setup, etc. OR, maybe put the lights up on the house. It's been the first decent day since Thanksgiving to do so, and it's getting kinda late. 'Skins have a bye, so no guarantee NFL will be on, lol. I, too, hope everybody manages to stay healthy, but wealthy and wise may be more of a challenge this time of year, lol. Hope everybody has a peaceful and restful Sunday. Be safe out there and enjoy your day.
Good morning. 33-52F, sunny today, just waiting for the Lo-temp-no-snow weather to begin. Busy AM, movie at noon w/pizza. The box got sent but OMG the $$ was $20 more than last year for a pound less! Such is life. At least it’s done.
Have a great Sunday. Enjoy the sports games, the fun, and the people. Get rested for another holiday week.
Good morning. It's raining and 42F, on its way to 59F. Calling for showers, off and on, all day. Created a habanero hot sauce yesterday. Might try to bottle it today, if time permits. Started putting up the Xmas lights on the house. Almost finished, but ran out of daylight. Will try to finish up this A.M., if it quits raining for a few minutes, ha. Fingers crossed the HVAC parts show up today. At least the next few days are a little warmer. Also, cat #5, Minnie, has her annual vet appointment this afternoon. Jeez, I seem to be busy today, lol. Catherine, don't forget about Pirate Ship, when you need to send packages. They can be cheaper. Hope everybody has a marvelous Monday. Be safe out there and work on those Xmas decorations. It'll be here before you know it!
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Good morning. 23-36F, cold and dry for now. DR, I just learned about Pirate Ship yesterday. I’ll be looking into it for the next box, thanks for the reminder. Monday errands, than making cookies for tomorrow’s cookie exchange. Yesterday’s movie was the 1951 “Scrooge” B&W version of A Christmas Carol. Then “The Man Who Invented Christmas” about Charles Dickens.
Looks like a good day to enjoy the indoors. Have a great one and take care of yourself.
Good morning. It's foggy and 30F, on its way to 56F. Calling for clouds, sunshine, and a few showers this afternoon. Well, that about covers it, I guess, ha. Finished putting up the Christmas lights yesterday, and the house was aglow last night, lol. Our little tree is up, but needs to be decorated. Guess that'll get done after the BIL's MRI today. There was a mix-up in communication, and instead of the MRI being done at the hospital 5 minutes away, it's at the hospital 45 minutes away. Time to go sit in traffic. 😡 Hope everybody has a terrific Tuesday. Be safe out there and get those Xmas trees up!
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Good morning. It's 28F on its way 43F. Cool, cloudy and breezy with sn*% forecasted for tonight. How 'bout those Cowboys! Big country breakfast in a bit. Yesterday, the boss made a lasagna .... we'll be eating on that (lunch/dinner) for a few days. Our tree is up. Sometime today, I need to fill the firewood rack on the front porch. Probably work on the 2025 garden plan too. Might do some futzing in the basement and maybe some reading. Be safe and be good. Have a great day.
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Good morning. Got back from camping near the claim. It was the coldest weather I’ve camped in to date. 15 Degrees!!! 23 isn’t bad, but 15!!!! Had a great time. My knee wasn’t good going out so I took my time and still enjoyed being away from civilization. No cell phone reception or internet. Wooohoo!

@catherinew My claim is out between Gateway and Naturita area. Kinda by Uravan where all the Uranium mining was done. That town helped with the Manhattan Project. In the 80’s they relocated the residents and bull dozed the town because of high radiation. The only thing left is the ballpark which is a camping ground.

Have a safe and enjoyable day.


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OCD - it’s beautiful where you were camping. Been to Naturita a few times as hubby did some water treatment for the Paradox trickle of water to the Dolores River (?), taking out salt. When we visited last year, Nucla had lots of construction on the main road, so we had to turn around. No exploring past that. Lots more to see in western CO.