
My name is Leo. I live in Central California. Decided to grow some peppers on somewhat of a whim. I'm expecting to make a lot of mistakes and depend on mother nature to carry my plants through to Chilidom.

I know I started a little late, I found out after the fact, but I have some good lookin seedlings of, Fresno, Pequin and Tequila Sunrise Chili's. I got some herbs going too, cilantro and basil. Lessee what I can do with it all. I'm gonna try and keep a blog of my lil plants going here. I don't have lots of time but I figure if I make a mistake it'll be a good way for someone to be able to help me out if I need it.

The businessman side of me says shoot me an email at if you'd like to order some fresh roasted coffee. The shy guy in me says forget all that and please share all the info and trouble shooting knowledge you have/can with me :)
welcome to the best hot pepper forum on the net bro...enjoy

AJ...Fort Worth, Texas
AJ, thanks man, I poked around for a lil bit and that was my impression as well. This site seems very complete.

Thanks Jay.

Thanks dudes!

Greetings! Have fun. :D