contest Growdown: Prik Kee Noo Suan!: Prik a peck of peppers!

The day we start is when everyone loses so this benefits all the other contestants. I just feel bad that everyone has this false sense of hope. Don't hate me too much everyone!!!

But in all seriousness,

This will be so cool to see everyone's plants growing up all at the same time, and then mine over taking and winning.
OK scratchzilla, I was saving this one for Island_Dan but now I see you both deserve it !

Great lst of prizes, thanks everyone for donating them to the grow off.... got my seeds today so I'm all set to get started
[sub]Got my seeds Today! Ghost Pepper Store even sent me a free paper towel sample! The package was a bitch to open though...uh...I mean...the seeds look good. :rolleyes: [/sub]
