contest Growdown: Prik Kee Noo Suan!: Prik a peck of peppers!

I almost forgot that you can request a non machinable first class option. It cost a little more I think. Paper towels would still be cheaper.


Good one buddy. Good one. I will remember that when you are sobbing in this thread about how your small plants didn't help you compensate for the other small things in life!


Anyway I don't need replacement seeds. I am sure that I have enough good ones to grow a monster!!! And also the scissors is staying far away from the seed baggie. A fair fight is a good fight. Won't be cheating at all unless advanced growing technology is considered cheating!
All of the remaining seeds, except RandYJ and PexPeppers are going out today. They have been wrapped in paper towel, so hopefully they arrive in better condition.

The last two packs will go out later this week along with any that need to be replaced.
My spy drone caught you gathering some "advanced growing technology" fertilizer for your mechanized grow --
Did you drop your bucket and run away? Or are you inside making a 'deposit', not a 'withdrawal' ?

I am sure everyone will have enough good seeds to make this work. Thanks Brian for doing this got us!! Enough thank you's would never express the gratitude.
Great plan :dance: Pepperhead, I think we need a few 'replacement' seeds as backups for any plants that may be 'stunted' by unknown forces or unfortunate events. Here would be my proposed grow out of a few spares :party:.


As much as I would love to see 500 of these plants in one field, I don't know who you would get to pick all the pods! I had 10 last year and at the end of the season I pulled about 1000 pods off 3 plants and tossed the rest in the compost bin. I just couldn't be bothered to pick them all.
Thanks for posting Dan, I honestly didn't even consider that they would get crushed. I normally use padded envelopes, but again, I was trying to do this on the cheap.

I still have a lot more seeds to get out, so I will see what I can come up with to cushion the seeds from the crushing power of the machines next time.

Maybe a piece of tape to keep them in the center of the envelope as the rollers are usually at the bottom or top of the letter so keeping the seeds toward the center should avoid the rollers !

Mine got here as well -- the outer package looked like they tried to smash them but they managed to survive inside - Now the hard part of not opening the package till the day arrives ! Here's a pic of the back of the envelope where they tried to get the rollers to grind the peppers !
