contest Growdown: Prik Kee Noo Suan!: Prik a peck of peppers!

Grew kung paos and cayennes last year in crappy soil (part of my learning curve) with ok results. Skipping them this year for supers. Glad to see someone had good results with them.

Man I gotta tell you... The Kung pao had an awesome flavor with a nice kick to it. It was my favorite last year. As you are though I'm probably skipping this year due to all the supers I have.
This is my first year growing in anything other than a shady porch in undersized pots. Guess that'd explain why I only ever got a few peppers.

This year, though, I'm gonna be like Scrooge McDuck in my piles of thai peppers.
Damn post office. The people at my post office always seem to ask me "oh whats in here?" as they are crushing them between their fingers. I faceplam everytime. I always pay the extra for them to hand cancel or whatever its called. still get crushed sometimes.
Congratulations Brian!! Keep up the great contributions to the forum and I would like you to enter this competition as a contender and not for sh*ts and giggles. This is your opportunity to prove your growing worth!! :P
Well, like I said, I will be growing a "competition" plant, but it would just be silly for me to take home a prize, considering it might be my own prize.

Believe me, if I end up with the winning plant, I will never let any of you live it down! I will however, default all prizes to the runner up ;)
Sounds good. I just wanted the opportunity to whoop your butt in a growdown!!
Just more of the same ferts !
Speaking of prizes, I have some exciting news to announce.

I've managed to secure some great goodies for our top growers. If bragging rights wasn't enough, wait till you get a load of this.

1st Place:The grower with the largest number of peppers after 150 days will receive;
Pepper Joe's Gourmet Hot Sauce 5 Pack
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce Trio Of Fire Roasted Hot Sauce

2nd Place:The grower with the next largest number of peppers after 150 days will receive;
Pepper Joe's Exotic Hot Sauce 5 Pack
Lucky Dog Hot Sauce 2 Pack

Honorable Mention:The grower to produce the largest plant by height will receive;
A bottle of Lucky Dog's Hot Sauce
3 Packs of Chili Powder from Joyner's Peppers

Huge thanks to LDHS, Pepper Joe, and Joyner's Hot Peppers for generously donating these items! Everyone be sure to visit their websites to see photos for what's up for grabs. And be sure to pick up some seeds, sauces and powders while you're there.

That being said, I will be dropping out of the official competition. I'll grow a "competition" plant alongside theghostpepperstore, but I will be disqualifying myself from eligibility for awards.

Good luck guys, and happy growing!
Thanks to everyone who is putting up the prizes!

PM me for my mailing address so the first place prize can be mailed out to me ASAP!! :hell:
I got it!!! Best gift ever it is really awesome and first class!! Had me sneezing for a while haha.

No they don't otherwise your mail box would be full of sh*t by now :-P
My mailbox is full daily of free seeds. I hope you win this battle because if not, I am going to SPAM the world with your defeat! I do accept fresh cow turds, feel free to mail them to:

Island Dan
420 Wish I was on an Island Lane
Sucks to be Inland, NB 12345