contest Growdown: Prik Kee Noo Suan!: Prik a peck of peppers!

The other competitors tiny plants at the 150 day mark will be hilarious.. :rofl:

So i walked into my hydroponic store yesterday and told them about this competition... I subsequently asked what did they have to help my plant grow HUGE and produce unprecedented amounts of rat poop.

I normally just use botanicare pure blend pro grow and bloom in my hydro setups.. Well I now own 3 bottles of snake oil "guaranteed" to produce the biggest, baddest, most ginormous plant posible!!!!

LOL, classic. You might as well walked in with a sign that read "Please sell me the product with the most colorful label and largest markup from wholesale".

I have to laugh when I think about one of these plants being "ginormous" since under the best of conditions I can provide I haven't seen one taller than 18 inches, or wider than 24 inches. Seriously, if someone manages to grow one 6 ft tall, with proper node density, it could have 5000 pods on it. I still don't think that will happen, but anything is possible.

Read: Dan is going to spend $500.00 to try and win an internet challenge with no real monetary rewards and really improve his local hydro shop's bottom line in the process.

Good luck Dan and "may the odds be ever in your favor"... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
Yes I did. Man you guys take everything so seriously. Bud Factor X is something I am doing an experiment with and will not help in this and Cal Mag plus is a nutrient which we always use in hydroponics to help solve leaf curl on peppers. I did purchase the sample size of the hydroplex which is suppose to induce massive amounts of buds on the plant and I will experiment with that since I am a big fan of all botanicare products. Please don't take things so seriously some of you. This is all fun and I am just smack talking. Maybe I should tone it down a little.
Dan, don't worry I don't think anyone is taking your smack talk or choice in nutrients seriously. Everyone involved has been advised that smack talk and snarky rebuttals are fair game in this thread. But please be advised any methods you post here are subject to ridicule and theft.
And I'm deffinately stealling Dan's areogarden design because our plant will be "shocked" as hell when it realises what we have put it in and we'll defo win some sort of award for the hotest pepper ever!

Cheers Dan, may spilt the prize with you :cheers:
There is no way anyone will be able to beat me. I'm trying Hydroponics, aeroponics, dirtoponics and my new secret to hotter peppers...pyroponics! Seed germination with that last one has shown a pretty low success rate thus far, but I'm convinced the theory is sound.
Yeah, Dan. Keep the smack talk coming!

Everyone too! Be warned of rebuttals.

I am going the organic route, hopefully, i can find some place in my garden to plant it in ground.
I hope I didn't come off as taking this to serious when I asked that question. I just wondered if that is what they recommended for more flowers.

The smack talk is what makes this fun.
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