contest Growdown: Prik Kee Noo Suan!: Prik a peck of peppers!

Can't start till later today and its already 1:58 a.m. My silly self left the seeds at my mother's house. Lucky for you all.
Here is my contribution. Right after midnight on the 15th, proof of life picture.


Then proceeded to soak seeds for an hour


And then just as I said,

2 seeds in sure to grow block, 2 seeds in rapid rooter, 3 seeds in coco/seed starter/perlite mixture and 3 seeds on a paper towel.


All in a humidity dome and going on a heat mat tomorrow in my grow room. Too lazy to put it in grow room now.

And those are all the usable seeds I had. Some looked cracked but we will see. Every whole seed is getting a chance!!
Here's ours:

Didn't have $1.38 for obvious reasons and don't have any change on me atm so hope this is ok...let me know if anyone wants to cry about it :violin: But 6 are in the soil now as I was sowing a load of others for our glog so not much can do about it anyway now.

Good luck everyone - espescially you Dangerous Dan :party:

Is my cell phone good enough? I get get the 1.38 if I need too.

They changed the stupid photobucket. Having problems. IMG is coming out thumbnail only.

Okay, try again. I don't know how I did this underline in blue, how do you get rid of it?

My consultant's name is Dark Alley Danny. (Thanks for helping me pick his name, Island_Dan)
Here he is contributing his special seed soaking agent....


Now he counts out the $ 1.38 and we are off to soak the winner seed !

Won't get a chance to get em soaking till later this evening but here's the POL so I don't forget it when opening the bag !!
