contest Growdown: Prik Kee Noo Suan!: Prik a peck of peppers!

I'm ready.

By the way Brian, how hot are these little things anyway? I'll grow more of them if they are spicy enough.
Somewhere in the 50k-100k shu range. They have great flavor but they take a long time to harvest so remember that before planting 20 in the ground.

Honestly I might grow 20 of them this year but they will all be in containers so I don't have to bend over to harvest them.
Make the kids do it. $5 to whoever picks the most. Make them pick and count hahaha

Hmmmm, I have two kids who generally don't do much during the summer anyway. Might be a perfect job for them.

"Kids, count the little peppers and as long as you count more than Dan, we won't question your accuracy." :dance: :dance: :dance:
In hindsight, I should have posted something about slave labor being against the rules. But, they're your kids, have the, do what you want.
Scratch, I have no kids and have no intentions on ever having kids but be sure damn to hell that I will work those little bastards for every dime I will spend on them IF I ever have any.
I guess my daughter (only have 1 kid) was just too smart for me. Every time I sent her out last year to help harvest she wouldn't come back with any prik kee noo. When I asked her why, she said "you don't pay me enough to pick all of those little peppers". Darn kids!
Don't know if anyone else should bother. I've got this pretty much wrapped up in the bag.

I guess you could grow the seeds just to eat, but just pick 'em when they're ripe, don't bother waiting.
I dont think we will win so I'm going to submitt our photo now.. been trying out a new toy on the market!

Let me know if anyone needs proof of life

Scratch, you need to get on the proof of life, Serrano is in Poland, so he is something like 6-7 ahead of us. He is probably wanting to get soaking right at midnight. I know I plan to get mine soaking first thing in the morning, but I imagine many people are going to start tonight.