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contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

I tried that, but there is no veiw all sizes,so I'll try and see what is going on I posted some photo's befor and it worked fine but I can't seem to get it right this time.
I tried that, but there is no veiw all sizes,so I'll try and see what is going on I posted some photo's befor and it worked fine but I can't seem to get it right this time.
Ok...little more detailed...hover over YOU at the top of the Flickr screen, select photo stream from the drop down menue, scroll through and click on the one you want to upload it will take you to another screen with only that one photo on it, then click on the photo again to bring up what looks like a slideshow with a black background...once on that screen you will see view all sizes in the upper right, select that, then select the size you like and then rt click copy paste...
Nothing but 2 babies here...one pictured from today.

I've been AWOL for a minute. I had the cold/flu from hell. My plants seemed to suffer as much as I did. Apparently my seedling mix sucked :(. Too much perlite? No nutes? I'm not sure but I think I have things back in order now. In the last 3 days I've moved 150 seedlings to 5" deep plugs with a different mix. There greening up already and hopefully start growing rapidly soon.

My Birgit's started out fast but stalled. Here's one in his new shoe: (Sorry crappy cell phone pic)



Just a bit yellow. I potted them up last night so fingers crossed they'll take well to this potting mix.
i cut the phone line into my house while digging out stumps!
when i get that fixed ill post some pics....

anyone else not real impressed with these plants vigor yet? whats the deal?
i had like 6 die from damping off in peat pods... im so happy i had 6 in rockwool... those are doing just fine. my peat pods must be rife with bacteria/fungi or w/e.
Mine are pretty darn "vigorous" so maybe its just your pellets??? I started mine in peat as well and had no trouble, although some were a tad slow to pop. I now have 11 Birgits...WTF am I gonna do with all of them? So 11/12 so far, and the other one will probably pop any day making 12 seeds 100%...your seeds suck Kevin!!! :rofl:

Here is an actual current pic of mine, the other one I reposted from last weekend...

The couple in front and some in the back are Birgits...many more scattered throughout the trays. They just won't quit popping!
i think i lost.... lots of fuzz... i think i need to get a trellis already....should i top it off so its nice and bushy?

Looking good, Denniz! That's a heckuva lot of growth since your last POL pik!

I've been using copper fungicide in my grow trays, every time I bump with the Liquid MG: 1 tablespoon of each in a gallon of water. Fuzz is gone and the plants are jumping up, as Ramon says...

I buy it at Home Depot.