contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

Yep Denniz's plants are definately kicking our plants butts, or roots...... :)

Hmmm...will have to check and make certain my photo is the most accurate to show the growth thus far...not sure those are my largest plants??? More disheartened by Guru getting a hook and windchicken already with plants than anything on here yet...we all may as well give up. Once they start in with their hardwood fines and organic mumbo jumbo voodoo treatment we're doomed. can't keep her in that Aero for long brother...enjoy it while it lasts!!! tic...tock...tic...tock...
Denniz' plant is a beast no doubt but I bet windchicken's isn't far behind it. His last pic was impressive. In the dirt too. Both of you guys should try a foliar of pure vinegar to speed up growth even more ;).
So I now have 7 seedlings and 3 hooks :) Just might get enough of these guys to encase that tree in the garden

Hmmmm, maybe I should attempt to graft one 25 feet up into that tree, and see if it takes hold?
Would that be the only way to beat some of you guys :)
I'm not sure, but it looks like Denniz may have it for now:


I bumped 'em with some Liquid MG and copper (with NH[sub]4[/sub]) this morning, so check back in a few days...
i cut the phone line into my house while digging out stumps!
when i get that fixed ill post some pics....

anyone else not real impressed with these plants vigor yet? whats the deal?
i had like 6 die from damping off in peat pods... im so happy i had 6 in rockwool... those are doing just fine. my peat pods must be rife with bacteria/fungi or w/e.

All but two that I sowed germinated in under 10 days. I've never grown these but mine are growing like a typical c.baccatum.
Ummm...yeah. My math was off...because now out of 12 I thought I sowed I have 14...hahahaha. Damn the bad luck! Couple I didn't realize were doubled up in my pellets popped. Once again that planting at 3:30 in the morning thing caught up with me. I think that's all???
Ummm...yeah. My math was off...because now out of 12 I thought I sowed I have 14...hahahaha. Damn the bad luck! Couple I didn't realize were doubled up in my pellets popped. Once again that planting at 3:30 in the morning thing caught up with me. I think that's all???

Me too! Thought I had 13 seedlings and hooks, then while puttimg a pellet in a cup of soil, another hook popped out, right before my
So now 14 total :)