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contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

Thanks Chris! I may have another one...ummm...or two that are a tiny bit bigger??? I dunno??? Think its the diesel???

FINE!! lol

Here is my Birgit's army of shrimps..... :) 23 of the little guys
The tallest weighs in at a whopping 3" tall ;)
Some sown 2-26, and some sown 3-8

Thanks Dsh...don't think that's the same plant??? Hard to keep track of them all... :rofl:

I will say that I tested some of my AACT on a few and I think they liked it. Very weak more to add some beneficials than to feed them. Wait...what the heck am I talking about...they got a triple dose of the kerosene and diesel tea with ajax as an activator.
I may end up with one more. I poked around the remaining Root Riots and saw a tail coming out of one of the Birgit's Locoto seeds. So unless it stalls out or ends up with helmet head or something, I might have 2 chances to win.
Been quiet over here for a while...so here are mine.

Their leaves always take a "bow" at the end of the light cycle but then perk up. I have started to harden mine off. Two going out into the world and the smaller two will stay in the grow room for a bit. Tallest is around 10" The others are 8, 8, and 7...got a whole tray full of the ones that sprouted late that'll be given away.


Got nervous and sowed the rest of the seeds when I didn't see any hooks in 7 days...should've had more faith in Kevin's seeds!

How are all yours fairing?
I don't know...seems as though a few folks are holding their hands pretty close. Growing inside under lights is great...but this contest is gonna be won in the dirt I think. May be making the move outside a bit too soon, but I have this week off so I am taking advantage.
Good luck dude! Your Birgit's look like my baby Aji Amarillo plants...A variety that will grow to 7 feet easily.

I think you're right...There's nothing like fresh air and natural sunlight to get your babies feeling their oats...It always reminds of sending the skinny, pasty gamer kid to summer camp; He comes home tan and muscled out...

Not that your plants aren't robust as hell...I've never seen young Birgit's quite so strong-looking.

In the second photo I noticed the plant in front has some rootlets above ground level, like it's ready to go outside...
All my Baccatums do that. They shoot for the sky then try to root above the dirt. Lost over an inch on my big ones when I buried them up to their cotys...that inch will pay back with a foot in the end I hope. The strong stems are due to a pretty big fan I have kicking their a$$es. If you look at the second photo you'll see a bunch bent to one side. I rotate them and the fan blows them back over the other way and keep repeating. Makes for strong, thick and sometimes slightly S shaped stems in the end.
stc how many lights are you using??? looks like it would be a white wash when you first walk in the room. lol i can tell its working but it must suck when u first walk in
(walking into grow room)
Well finally got my camera going, my plants are still to small to say much about them the tallest is just 3 inches.
They really need more light, but they are in compition with about 100 other plants.
I'm hoping for warmer weather so I can get them outside at least during the day and then drag them back inside for
the night. So here are the little things.