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contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

so i found all my plants at the bottom of my pool yesterday....
apparently they got blown into the water during a storm. i think they were down there for atleast two days. the pool was filled with leaves and sticks and dirt and all kinds of crap you get when there is a strong storm, so im almost 100% sure thats what happened.

i promise the pool isnt half as bad as these photos make it look lol... idk why they came out green looking.

pics to follow.

so i scoped them out, squeezed all the water out and brought them inside. they stank of what i can only describe as spoiled lettuce? however they seem to be ok. these were covered in a neon green thick coat of algea... that has now completely been obliterated by the chlorine in the pool.... im thinking that terrible smell came from that? idk.

going to pot them up into something heavier this time lol.
Okay, that's a first, Queequeg! Swimming peppers. :crazy: I hope they pull through for you!

Well, my one lonely Birgit's is not going to win any races, but at least he's alive! My other sprout died a sad helmet head death. Should have taken the free seeds!!! :banghead:

Need to start thinking about where that little guy is going to spend the summer - in a pot on the patio, in the small veggie bed at the house, or the jungle down at the community garden ...
Not sure bags of coir is anymore secure than the original pots. Do you have an old milk crate or something that you could corral them in?
Wow....those pool pix are surreal...They all landed on their feet...How did that happen?

they are in rock wool blocks. rock wool is by itself alot heavier than water, its just super fluffed out like fiberglass insulation. Once its filled with water it sinks pretty good tho. i suspect the plants acted kinds like a parachute and they all fell bottoms down in a relatively stable manor.

whats puzzleing me is when and how did they ALL get blown into the pool... they were in seed flat, on a chair facing the south sky. the wind must have picked up the whole tray and tossed them all in. nothing is broken, so i dont think they fell onto the ground first.
P.S. I'm back from AZ and this is two weeks growth. Time to set these babies free...

%^&$$# wind and storms , put my plants out again and fell asleep after taking my meds looked outside to see about a hundred little green sticks that use to be peppers and tomatoes :cry: as luck would have it my locotos fared better than the rest they only lost a few leaves and not all of them. My tomatoes besides being stripped of leaves are sunburned to a point that most will die, I managed to get all the sticks inside where they will now stay till they recover or die, thankfully I can buy some more replacements.
Tomorrow the weather is going to be really bad with a 20 degree drop from 72 down to 48 and into the 30's come night fall! We will be very lucky if we don't get a Tornado. :scared: :pray: