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contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

stc how many lights are you using??? looks like it would be a white wash when you first walk in the room. lol i can tell its working but it must suck when u first walk in
(walking into grow room)
LMAO...I was unsure, so I just counted. total of 81 CFLs and 2 4' shop lights containing 2 bulbs each, so 85 bulbs. Around 100,000 lumens total in there split between two 2'x4' shelves and two outriggers over a spot on the floor for the big boys. Only half run at a time on an 11hr cycle with a 1hr break between to keep the temps down...and from tripping breakers! :rofl: On my commute days I get up at 3:30am and when I walk in, even with only half running, it is blinding, and I get an uncontrollable urge to dart out into traffic???

Edit: Did the math...129,600 lumens just in the CFLs.
beautiful plant King....but you know sun and soil will prevail......and maybe a little spray bottle voodoo to add some stretch.
Youse guys in Tejas, Floda' and the land of fruit and nuts are way ahead me in the Tarheel state -- we still are gettin' frost at night!
The coldest nights for spring in decades! But IF we have a 'cooler June, July and August than last year -- watch out for us :dance: .
I was able to set out my plants today as it hit 74F for two hours as the 35 mph wind was beating my pour plants to death so back under the lights, Sunday and Monday will be about as warm, but they are talking about strong storms so I'm wondering if I should go ahead and take them all out again. 150 plants plus the four Birgit's locoto plants are a real hassle to keep moving in and out.
Temps are starting to steady out, but I have to do a soil check to see just how warm my raised beds are, usually I don't plant my tomatoes and peppers till about May 12th, but my plants still just sit there for another two weeks so I may just wait till the 24th if the soil is still cold. AS most of my peppers are going in 5gal. paint buckets I might spray them black till the weather gets hot and then paint them white again. My 30 gallon container is black already so it should heat the soil up fairly quickly it will hold the biggest of my Birgit's Locoto, I may give them some cheap beer to drink I think I can find some Lone Star Beer or some Generic Beer that comes in a white can, which is almost as cheap. "Just Kidding Guys". :whistle:
I now have 4 that I am concentrating on...and a bunch that are going to be given away. 2 have been outside in their final homes for a week, and the two "smaller" ones are still in the grow room. The small ones are catching up quick, but I think that is due to the new room the big boys found to put down better roots...at least that's what I am hoping...

Here are the "small guys"

Kinda ashamed to show my best little guy :confused: . I now have 8 seedlings.Two more popped up after two months. They were in a pot that my son threw some sunflower seeds in . :crazy: . They are all just starting to grow. Gotta a little stunted when I moved them into there own containers but they are all hardened so I got that going for me.

Here's a quick pic of my largest Birgit's Locoto, I set out my plants the other day and they got beat up by the win so I ended up bring in all my plants and put them back under the lights good thing I did as the weather went back to being cold and we had some really bad weather come through. It will be warm enough to set them back out this week end, they really need to be harden off and get some good sun light. The warm weather can't get here fast enough for me, We got lucky and was missed by the Tornadic weather that got some of the counties and states east of me . As you can see by my locoto and the other plants and peppers that they need to get more light.
