contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

If we're going by Eastern...I can start my seeds at 9:00 pm June 3rd!!!

Here's the spot! May make one more location, but may put all the eggs in this here basket.

Don't like my odds...
no, more like grafting a baby bacctum onto a baby tomato rootstock.

im planning on poping the whole seed pack... selecting the best 6 as candidates for repoting. 4 will make it to 3 gallons... 2 will make it to 10... 1 will make it to the 50gallon ish container.
what ever seedlings are not going to be used will be tinkered with in one way or another.

its unlikely a tom root stock would do much, as bacctums are so damn vigorous already. ive seen people using them for annum rootstock before for that very reason.
i should mention that ive failed like 22/22 times grafting toms to peppers... got some new tricks to try this time however...superglue is one of them.

all the books say its possible, however my inarticulate fingers say...

"nope cant do that... not possible, sorry"- fingers.
i should mention that ive failed like 22/22 times grafting toms to peppers... got some new tricks to try this time however...superglue is one of them.

all the books say its possible, however my inarticulate fingers say...

"nope cant do that... not possible, sorry"- fingers.
There's a CPI vid of it I watched last year. Good luck...
i call
shenanigans plural of she·nan·i·gans (Noun)

  • Secret or dishonest activity or maneuvering.
  • Silly or high-spirited behavior; mischief.

thought we were not supposed to start till the 14th?!