contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

Thanks guru. Yes, underneath the Badboy T-5's with Agromax (I believe) 6500k bulbs

It's too big to fit under the lights with the rest of the I can't believe how fast this variety grows.

Thank you Romy, I'm sure once everyone's get outside they will catch up.
Here's my weekend Birgits update...I measured the 4 keepers I have out there and the shortest measures 21" the tallest 23.5" so they're all real's how they look.

Here's the tallest of the bunch...and he was a backup.


23.5...if I stretch it up, Hard to hold the camera, plant and tape at the same time though.


The shortest...the one in the 18gallon tote battling some mite issues.


Not far behind the tallest (and not for long) is the inground plant. This is my only inground pepper this season, and this little bed was purpose built for this one plant. This guy is at 23"...

Plant #4 escaped the camera somehow??? It measured out at 22". Hope y'alls are still kicking...and kicking into gear. The socal weather is starting to work it's magic and I expect a good jump this week!

How many are entered in this??? I've only seen pics from a few of you guys??? Still waiting on your addy guru so I can stop by and work an axe some magic on your plants! Oh...and forgot to mention armac as one to watch...I used to live down there and it is perfect pepper weather fo-sho!
Okay I think anyone and everyone that wanted to join has done so I am closing the offer early due to no reason other than I is :rofl:

Actually we have way more participants than we ever exspected which is a good thing and since the start date is next week it is time to start sowing some Birgits!!!!!! So far Tex 16 is the only one that I know of that has not sent Kevin his addy. Tex we know how fast you can grow a plant but still need your addy ;)

Final list ( let me know if i missed anyone)

Don Lava
San Patricio
3/5 King

:party: Okay now lets see who can grow the tallest plant. Winner takes all. 2nd place is just the first looser. :party:

Keep us posted on when you get the seeds . I know a few of you already have some. Noah,Bonnie, Gary and myself.

I think this was the final list. Correct me if I be wrong:)
Nice lookin' Briggy's ya got there Shane. A tip for you. I heard that the Brigit's likes a lot of shade and they only need to be watered once a month..true story.
Oh you are in Chris. I knew I missed a few. Sorry for the late reply. You have been updating as well.

My plants have stalled out . To small to stick in the ground so I am gonna have to pull out some serious voodoo on dem bas turds :shh:
Oh you are in Chris. I knew I missed a few. Sorry for the late reply. You have been updating as well.

My plants have stalled out . To small to stick in the ground so I am gonna have to pull out some serious voodoo on dem bas turds :shh:

Sweet!! Thank you!
I probably wouldn't win, but it will be fun to play along :)
Maybe if I grow it on the ground sideways in the direction the crazy wind blows, and stand it up at the
OK, here is my tallest one at a whopping 8"
A few are 6" tall.
They are on the porch under shadecloth, but when they get into the direct sun, maybe they'll grow faster :)
Oh, and when I repotted them from 16oz cups into 32oz cups, I buried them closer to the cotyledons to give them a bit more wind stability.
So they lost a couple inches in height now, but it should help in the long haul.

BA Denniz!!! Jamie...I say we DQ all no shows...and Rich, you, John, Dave and Denniz for starters. I will think of more as they post pics.
KMA you guys with all your sunshine ! :onfire: I've got mushrooms taller than my peppers :mope: ...

Give us a break ---- at least we won't burn up with all the rain we are getting.
I have 4 plants that are about 12 inches high, sorry no pics till I can get more batteries, my cam eats them right up.
Anyway none of my plants can get outside time the weather warms back up, I don't know when that might be, every till I take them out the weather takes a nose dive. We got snow here in Missouri for the first time in 50 years in May, us and a lot of other Midwest people, I'm crying Foul weather wise, but it will warm up some time.
I thought you opened it back up for more people to be allowed in?
If not, that's OK....But if so, please add me :)

Hell to the yea Chris,you started late ,,and now you are kicking some Birgit ass!
You might have to get a bigger tape measure! :beer:

Here my little girl:

I buried her extra deep hoping to strengthen the root system. Isn't she cute?

Beautiful Ds,, I am diggin the big ass bamboo stake! :cheers:

Hell to the yea Chris,you started late ,,and now you are kicking some Birgit ass!
You might have to get a bigger tape measure! :beer:

Beautiful Ds,, I am diggin the big ass bamboo stake! :cheers:


Thanks Kevin!

If the Birgit's like wind and super strong sunshine, then mine might catch up to those monsters some of those other guys are