contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

Just missed the bullet the other night, had some very strong storms come through my area, I had decided to hold off on planting my garden out and move my plants inside, good thing I did as I would have lost most if not all my plants.
Same Storm dropped a Tornado in Oklahoma really a bad mess their I hope none of our members got hit.
My plants are screaming to get planted, so tomorrow if its not raining I'll do the big plant in My 4 Birgit's locotos are about 11 to 13" tall, as soon as I get my next check on the 3rd of June I'll be able to get pics of them planted in the Garden.
I hope that the tornado that hit parts of Texas did not hurt any members there.
Jamie, enjoy em while their young,  she is adorable; ah yes I memba when my 16 year old was that age, God I miss that girl, though I do still see her as a small defenseless kid I know I have to let em grow up.  One down, one almost there and the last one has 5 long years till I'm not held accountable for his actions........ :dance:
souf said:

Hell to the yea, brother Jim !!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
Looking awesome man!! when ya gonna get that bad boy in tha ground?
Well, I thought they were 8-10" range, but that was what they were before I planted em in the dirt....
And I put them in deep, nearly up to the cots... for better strength in the windy conditions.
So now the bigger ones are hovering at 8"
I think they must be putting all their energy into spreading their roots ;) LOL


Current status of the Birgit's Army Desert Platoon.... maybe I could win the smallest Birgit's ever award....LOL!!!

Hi all, I was able to plant most of my peppers yesterday, except for my Brigit's Locoto they go in today, along with my left overs, Holy you know what! I'm got peppers planted everywhere, going to be one hot fall this season. As soon as I can get some more expensive batteries I'll gets some pics. I think I've bought that cheap $40 buck Cam twice now in Batteries(not so cheap now). I have about 30 tomatoes in the ground with about ten more, not going to count the different types of cherry tomatoes that I planted.
This year is "save all the seeds I can" along with labeling them to replenish my stock which I let go when I made the move to another town and ended up loosing some rare pepper seeds and some super hots, so later I might come around with hat in hand asking for a few super hot seeds or something wild and rare if I can't find a reasonable source for them.
Now all I'll need is some serious Mojo to make my plants take off, and give you guys a run for your money.
I might not win, but you'll know that there are others out there that know how to garden" I hope".
Decided to go ahead and knock out the weekend update early...they all put on 5.5-7 inches in height this only on pace for somewhere between 13-15ft by the end of October if they don't pick up some steam! What kinda dud seeds did you send us Kevin??? :rofl:

18 gallon tote still in the lead, I think...I still haven't measured the inground but I took a pic...

Nothing like an Ice Cold Shiner under a shade tree....This one is still out-pacing my corn in the background. I would imagine if I measured it would also be in the 43-44" range give or take a foot or so??? :rofl:
The foliage looks much better all the way around. They've all kicked the mites and aphids, friendly predators have taken up residence in each to sit and watch aphids getting chomped on!
Maybe I'll show my whole hand next weekend???
That sucks John...I hope everyone up there is prepared. All growdown BS aside, I am freaking bummed for all the weather woes folks on the other side are having. 
Pr0digal_son said:
Nice Shane,that thing will be 8' by the time I get mine planted. Calling for 32° here tonight and frost all weekend.
I liked your post, but only because I couldn't choose an "unlike" option....
Freezing temps are a bummer :(
Heres some photo's of my Brigit's Locoto we had some local flooding the back yard and garden was a swamp with water 4 to 6 inches deep in the garden what a mess, but it could have been worse.
All my peppers came through alright along with all my tomatoes.
The Brigits locoto is just now starting to get new root growth and get a few more inches higher which is from 13 to 16 inches tall after transplanting.
I have not picked which one I want to go with yet. it may take another month before I see some real growth from them.

There they are WS!!! I still can't decide I think I am keeping them all! Haha...
Here's my weekend update...

The 18 gallon tote plant is still the biggest I think??? The inground may be moving in, but I haven't put a tape to it lately...this one hit another benchmark today...

Just over 4' now...

Here it is with it's 5# brothers...They're both hovering around 44-45"

For those of you pinching everything...this is what you're missing out on...loading up with pods, I may or may not win...but at least I'll know how they taste!!!

The inground plant is still cruising right along...trying to keep pace with the sweet corn.

Last but not least...found a little helper on one of the container plants! I need all the help I can get!
See y'all next weekend guys!
 Man don't really want to show my little contender( after seeing Shane's giant)  but he is in the dirt and waiting for me to start my special voodoo. ;)  Just watch this puppy grow in the Florida Heat  :fireball: