contest Growdown,,Tallest plant!!!

Yeah Denniz...I don't see no sick! I got a bunch of plants that are hurting way worse than those. I gave mine a foliar spray with some tea and a little food and added some PH reducer (sulphur like the Guru says) and in just a couple days the new growth is popping out nice and green. Keep your head up and don't give up on them plants brudda! are a few pics. Doesn't look much different. +8ish" this week.


That piece of tape is's taller than the house!

Bird's Eye View...
See you all next week folks!
That plant is sick Shane! Loving that Cali sun.

Mine ran into some clay I think. It was going good and went dead the last few weeks. The back end of my bed has some major clay and the three plants back there are suffering compared to the others in front. Still a lot of time left. 11' is my goal.

I will get a proper measurement soon. I am 6'2 and can reach about 8'.
Dayummm Son! P-Son that is! Haha...your pepper hedge looks about perfect 'cept for that one sticking way up...think you should level that out! Wanna borrow my hedge trimmer?
Hmmmm....didn't I say it ain't over till it's over??? Went out to check the plants this evening and this is what I found on my big daddy Birgit...

Gopher mound and half the base chewed...Ughhh. No sign of any wilt, so I did what us military types do best...

I set up a physical and chemical perimeter....the dust is Habanero Powder and the sticks are Bamboo Skewers...Fingers crossed it moves the eff on and finds something else to gnaw on!
Big Daddy has topped 9'...hope that's not all she wrote!
stc3248 said:
Hmmmm....didn't I say it ain't over till it's over??? Went out to check the plants this evening and this is what I found on my big daddy Birgit...

Gopher mound and half the base chewed...Ughhh. No sign of any wilt, so I did what us military types do best...

I set up a physical and chemical perimeter....the dust is Habanero Powder and the sticks are Bamboo Skewers...Fingers crossed it moves the eff on and finds something else to gnaw on!
Big Daddy has topped 9'...hope that's not all she wrote!
Dang stupid gophers!!
I see you went Vietnam Style on him.... I hope it impales itself on those pungi sticks!
Dang it Rich! Did you follow my Diesel fuel results??? If you had you wouldn't have those two unsightly yellow leaves on that terrible looking specimen! :liar:
I didn't snap any plant pics...but mine is still kicking. I pickled a big batch of pods off them too!

I am gonna let these mingle for the week...then its ON!
This grow reminds me of the movie "Rat Race" for some reason hahahaha

Here's what I'm working with. Not much vertical growth but it's bangin pods.


If this were football, My plant would be the water boy.......maybe he's the water boy in freshman year of high school and he is waiting for his growth spurt over summer vacation....
Ok...haven't showed pics of the plants in a while...they've slowed down a little, but are still moving. I don't know if its the rodent damage to the stem or the fact that they're trying to ripen about a billion pods??? Like I said though...still moving!

First up is the 18# tote...she was growing like a bat out-a-hell then hit the brakes hard and started doing the whole Chia Pet thing. 

Gopher's eye view of big daddy...

Maybe 9' 5" or so??? 

This is what it looks like under her leaves. All the way up. I have no idea how many pods are on this one plant...but I don't think 1000 is too much of an exaggeration...

One of the smaller plants loaded too...WTF am I gonna do with them all???

Another pod some pickin to do!!!

Here are the ingrounders...Ladder is 6' for perspective...well not so much for perspective as I am too damn lazy to haul it in and out every time I go out there. My training strategy is either going to have to change...or I'm gonna need a bigger ladder!
I got some plans to hopefully kick them back into gear...I am thinking of switching to a kerosene foliar spray from the diesel...
Hope everyone else' plants are kickin A!
Yeah. I hear ya on the training thing. Im cutting some 20ft bamboo tomorrow and lashing a new tripod. Taking the old one out. Gonna let the bamboo hit the pavement for sturdiness and tie things off starting with the container and going all the way up. Otherwise Im gonna walk out one day and she will be laying
Amazing stuff guys. Looking just spectacular. Real giants.

I think I could do well in a contest like this, knock on wood. My pepper plants went out late-ish, I had a few just above frost nights in real late May, and its been raining or cloudy at least 50% of the time all season. A weird year all around. Yet they've hit almost 6' with no pruning or special treatment. Even the ones that went out mid June are about the same height but with way less leaves, flowers, and branching. I think my clay soil is hyper nitrogen heavy which hasn't been so great for flowering and fruiting. So ill be amending the soil to compensate next year but I might leave a spot alone for just this kind of thing lol.