contest Growdown Throwdown 2014 Tallest plant


Pepper-Guru said:
Aji Chuncho ( future grow down winner  ;) )

 Here's mine as of two days ago. Everyone's plants are looking really good! 
Here is a hint if no one mentioned it. Obviously add plenty of nitrogen and other ferts, other than too much phosphorus and potassium which aids flowering. However, I have found that if you remove the flowers as it grows, it will put more into its size rather than use energy to grow peppers. I cant say it works with all types, but it has worked well for me.
In a stupid act of "do or die" desperation, I implemented an apparent ill-advised experiment with "America's Chuncho". The result has been only 2" of growth this past week, compared to 6" the preceding week. I am the problem.
Yeah, I'll bet you "Like" that, Devv. I was gaining on you...It ain't over, yet!
Shurbryn said:
If he had have listened to his own advice and topped it, he would have gotten at least more than the 6" he got the week before
You are correct, sir. And, where is your entrant? I love competition, even when my ass is handed back to me...Let's go!!!
I've been at this game quite some time now. I've topped, fimmed, scrogged, sogged, lst'd,  you name it! It doesn't produce a "taller" plant. In the cannabis realm, topping and fimming will produce more growth sites/tops, but it does not make them grow taller or faster. Just about the same goes for pepper plants. Hell, some pepper varieties will literally hate you for it. BUT...keep topping all you want...just means less competition for me/us in this thread! :) 
I have not done an update on mine for some time so I am probably out of the running. Honestly, I'm probably out of the running either way as my chuncho has had a rough go of it. I finally got it in the ground hoping that it would like the new soil. Two days afterwards I come to find that it has been dug up by some critter. I did some trimming and then put it back in the ground burying some of the stem hoping it will grow new roots. Drenched it with aact, covered it with a screen and hoped for the best.
Here it is as of yesterday in all of its one inch glory.

And here is a picture of its grow space on the top end of the bed. I hope it will end up needing all of it!!

Everyone's plants look great. May the best grower win!
Roguejim said:
In a stupid act of "do or die" desperation, I implemented an apparent ill-advised experiment with "America's Chuncho". The result has been only 2" of growth this past week, compared to 6" the preceding week. I am the problem.
Yeah, I'll bet you "Like" that, Devv. I was gaining on you...It ain't over, yet!
At least yours is gaining is what happened to my second tallest contender...

It got topped by my son and his cousin in an unfortunate airsoft incident...It WAS up around 26" now about 24 and I am certain it will go into full on shrub mode on me now unless I can convince one of the side shoots to be dominant.
My tallest contender is growing like a weed though...and I still have two other contenders so all is not lost.

I dunno...pushing 3' I think??? Maybe less...maybe more???
She's starting to be ready for a nice dress!
Edit: Spring North winds play havoc with my grow every year, they come in and blow for 24-36 hours hitting 30-35 mph. Too much open field North of us....
Damn. I was really working hard on the smallest chuncho but Solem had to show one at 1". I can't compete with that. :tear:
Here is the "I ain't sinning no contest chuncho" for his 6/16 update.

No tape measure, but I bet he is weighing in at a solid 5-6 inches.
Holes in the leaves look too small for slugs and snails (which I treated for anyway). Ideas?