contest Growdown Throwdown 2014 Tallest plant

Keep on representin' Kevin. Unfortunately I think the April freeze knocked my guy out of the running. I tried shouting and belittling, but alas, we're at 21".
I hear you Meat. Mine was lagging a bit a couple of weeks back, so I got really panicky and stupid. I broke out the Miracle Gro, at 1/2 strength, and the plant has not recovered since. Very embarrassing. I'm already planning ahead for next Growdown when I intend to enlist the aid of the local canna shop. Surely, they have some sinister fert that will bring me the decisive victory I can only fantasize about now! I wonder if I could pass off my Aji Cacho de Cabra as a chuncho? It's TALL...

On another note, Devv made a comment about removing extraneous growth/suckers from the plant, that "it stands to reason" that the plant will not waste its energy on these, and will focus on the main stem, and thus, grow taller quicker. At first, it made sense to me, so I cut a couple of side growths from the main stem. Of course, NOW that I've had some time to ponder this perhaps dubious action, is it not possible that the plant will exert even more/energy trying to repair the scar that was unwittingly perpetrated by the well meaning grower, than if it had simply been left alone? Do plants, trees, or even people, grow quicker when you start lopping off limbs? Not a great analogy, but, worth a thought, I think.
Your thoughts on the subject are valid.
Mine were based on less work for the root system. But I also understand the height of a plant very well may be a fixed genetic thang. I for one am no scientist, just an old worn out auto tech who likes to grow things ;)
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to influence anyone, just posted my thoughts. Which can be a dangerous thing...
With all that in mind, I have one I'm clipping heavily, just to see how it turns out. It's the second tallest and I have 4 or 6 others scattered about that are bushy gals ;) .
wayright said:
Lots of folks top and prune with great results
My thoughts go back to elementary school,,first thing I learned about plants was ,photosynthesis,,,thereby,,more leaf surface ,more sun ,mo betta !
Yeah, but I don't think their goal is for a taller plant, but rather, for more nodes.
wayright said:
Lots of folks top and prune with great results
My thoughts go back to elementary school,,first thing I learned about plants was ,photosynthesis,,,thereby,,more leaf surface ,more sun ,mo betta !
I don't usually top or trim my plants, I had a few that outgrew the lights that I snipped. I felt it slowed them down for awhile. This is season 2 for me growing hot peppers, all of mine got crazy bushy on their own this and last season. I am jacking with the one plant to satisfy my curiosity ;)
Here's some of the chuncholito's, the good the bad and the ugly:

I would guess this one is 22"s. It's in a 20 gal bag. Poor thing has had it's butt handed to it by the winds and mites. But it's alive and growing.

Same issues with the gals in the raised beds. This one and the next are pushing 28-30"s, just a guess on the height.

Another raised bed gal.


The best one I have so far...
I thought this months ago and I'm thinking it now -- damn I wish I lived just a little further south so I could've gotten in on this. Anyhow, things are looking good here. I'm a little surprised not to see very much pruning? Maybe I missed that it's not allowed?
So, what are y'all gonna do with your 1000's of chuncho pods?