Yes. I love it. It DESTROYS all other dslrs for video (i'm running driftwood's moon t7 patch @ around 175 mb/s) and is really nice for stills. The best thing about m43 sensor format is the ability to use ANY lens. I just bought the body and now I'm onto to gathering up all the good lenses. That cctv lens was only 20$ and I really just bought it so I could quickly test the performance of the camera before my return period was over. I just got a Yashica 50mm 1.7 and its soooooo yummy on this camera.Pr0digal_son said:Do you like the GH2? What kind of kit lens came with it? The CCTV lens is giving that vaseline on the lens porn shoot effect. A lens that wide at f/1.4 would be $$$$$$!
Funny king snake acting like a timber rattler.
Almost forgot to mention! Meet contestant #2, my back up HO! She won't be as thick as my other HO but she got that DEEP p#$$*@! Er, I mean she will be quite tall....

Contestant #2 Aji Chuncho