contest Growdown Throwdown 2014 Tallest plant

Pr0digal_son said:
Do you like the GH2? What kind of kit lens came with it? The CCTV lens is giving that vaseline on the lens porn shoot effect. A lens that wide at f/1.4 would be $$$$$$!

Funny king snake acting like a timber rattler.

Yes. I love it. It DESTROYS all other dslrs for video (i'm running driftwood's moon t7 patch @ around 175 mb/s) and is really nice for stills. The best thing about m43 sensor format is the ability to use ANY lens. I just bought the body and now I'm onto to gathering up all the good lenses. That cctv lens was only 20$ and I really just bought it so I could quickly test the performance of the camera before my return period was over. I just got a Yashica 50mm 1.7 and its soooooo yummy on this camera. 
Almost forgot to mention! Meet contestant #2, my back up HO! She won't be as thick as my other HO but she got that DEEP p#$$*@! Er, I mean she will be quite tall....  ;)

Contestant #2 Aji Chuncho

OMG Kevin, your magic is killing me!!! I need some GA clay!!! I measured yesterday, I'm at a whopping 37" but still having fun with this Growdown. Not related to this, I participated in Coheed's seed train and noticed some huge purple sweet bells weighing down the plant, 7 huge ones on one plant. I checked the I.D. mixed sweets from Jamison. Fabulous plant, many thanks to him for putting them on the train. 
We may not be as tall, but we sho as hell gonna be a whole lot bigger! 

Thanks  :)
Grow down Contestant # 1 Aji Chuncho 


contestant # 2

contestant # 2 closeup pods

That's it for now. 
I just got a new lens in the mail ( Lumix 20mm 1.7), so the next update will be pod porn and harvest shots!
Stay tuned  :)