contest Growdown Throwdown 2014 Tallest plant

Can't get a pic right now...but I'm at 81" so Kevin still has the lead. I ain't pinching buds/pods which I did last year early on with the birgits...may be the difference??? Mine's pretty damn big though! Win, lose or draw she sure is perdy and she's about to be loaded with ripe pods as a reward! I'll try to get a pic soon.
I'm not a part of the grow down either   :tear:  but thought I'd post this here 
just for fun.  You guys have some awesome plants, and it's still early in the season!
Measured this Mystery x Goat's Weed a couple of days
ago at 109" - 9' 1".  Might be a good candidate for next year   ;)

Thanks for letting me horn in for a minute.  Grow on, folks!
Speechless on the progress of these things!. It's insane! 
PaulG said:
I'm not a part of the grow down either   :tear:  but thought I'd post this here 
just for fun.  You guys have some awesome plants, and it's still early in the season!
Measured this Mystery x Goat's Weed a couple of days
ago at 109" - 9' 1".  Might be a good candidate for next year   ;)

Thanks for letting me horn in for a minute.  Grow on, folks!
That plant is a monster too! Putting my plants to shame...
Hehe, this thread made me go "need one of those" when I was getting seeds from Judy :p Great Plants, definitely looking forward to next year and finding out what cultivar you pick.