Pepper-Guru said:
Damn that's one beautiful looking plant! This just proves to me once more that I still have much to learn on here.Pepper-Guru said:Sorry for the delay in updates there for a while. This time of the year is pretty busy for me.
I think we all see where this race is going though!
Without manipulation or intervention of any kind for my plant, it has only managed to reach 4ft tall and boasts a circumference of 8 ft.
Pod production and harvests, however, have been excellent.
I respectfully concede from this competition and as a parting gift to everyone, I leave you with some of the final photos of the compost pile Aji Chuncho, as well as some harvest shotsWhoever win's this race is gonna be one happy Chili Head!
just like all my peppers, some go to sauce, some to mash, some to marinades, some to oils, some to powder, some to dried pods, some to jams, etc These in particular are great in marinade salsas along with the birgits from last years growdown!Roguejim said:Wow! How do you use these particular peppers, P-Guru?
MeatHead1313 said:4'1" as of today. Wonder what the chances are of it growing another 4 or 5 foot in 2 weeks? Haha.
PaulG said:Just for fun here's my tallest plant:
That's my neighbor Pete. He's 6'2". The Goat's Weed cross
measured out at 10'8"!
+1 Geonerd. Bishop's Crowns grow very tall. Seven feet easily.