contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

Nothing for me yet.  I decided to put the dome on top of the one's in the jiffy pellets because I have some other annums that have sprouted already.
Starting tomatoes today. :D
I have liftoff!
SL3 said:
Finally! :dance: After two thirds of everything in the propagator sprouting, after 8 long days I got the first Thai hook. I was starting to wonder if I had just planted a bunch of hull. 
It's always a relief when they make it. :halo:
But, don't you think the poor things look rather pale and sickly?  :confused:
A good dose of strong fertilizer can't hurt.
This stuff is GREAT; a half cup should do the trick!  :P
Geonerd said:
It's always a relief when they make it. :halo:
But, don't you think the poor things look rather pale and sickly?  :confused:
A good dose of strong fertilizer can't hurt.
This stuff is GREAT; a half cup should do the trick!  :P
Great tip...on my way to Big box store for some of that stuff!!!!
mpicante said:
Great tip...on my way to Big box store for some of that stuff!!!!
Always glad to help!  :D
In all honesty, I used the MG 24-8-16 Magic Blue Crystals last year with fairly decent results.  Growing in Wallybags in Arizona meant using gobs of water that flushed the soil rather badly.  MG was one of the ferts I used to keep the plants fed.  
wayright said:
OK,I reckon I will go ahead and throw my hat in the ring
I'll try and get these planted tonight or tomorrow,This will be my first time using my Aero for starts,will prolly have to pot up to solo's before plantout

Ima stick em in next to this ugly lil guy


You better stop cutting those things or you will never get any fruit!
Pr0digal_son said:
Mill,tell him to stop cutting that ciliatum or he's never going to get any fruit. :lol:
Geonerd said:
Fifty-Three?!  :shocked:
I call bullshit.  I don't think Nigel can count past 11. He'll never make it to 53.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Geonerd said:
It's always a relief when they make it. :halo:
But, don't you think the poor things look rather pale and sickly?  :confused:
A good dose of strong fertilizer can't hurt.
This stuff is GREAT; a half cup should do the trick!  :P
LOL. I see you aren't giving away the real secret (preserving that for yourself). Don't worry, no one else will know that you actually use 1 cup a week for your plants. I won't tell a soul.