contest Growdown Throwdown 2015 !!!!

maximumcapsicum said:
Alright guys here goes:

Almost 10. And I buried the coty's accidentally. Gave her a mix of secret ingredients. Also plucked all the side shoots on one to see if that help.  

Don't forget the secret army... 
Show of hands...Who's quitting, now? :mope:
I'm so far behind I'll never catch up. A quick browse shows 'yall are kickin' ass!
Well I can finally post a few pics.
Don't laugh, and yeah Halloween is way out there!

These are second round plantings I started about a month ago in paper towels in a baggie of the fridge.
When I came back from my "vacation" I was surprised with the starts below:

These two were sown 2-14-2015, kept in an 80° grow station with a cover. Two weeks ago I gave up and unplugged the heater. Go figure....
chocolatescotchbonnet said:
yeah, i saw that, and your cat knocked it over! are you going to make a hydro bucket or tote for your growdown?
I think so. I got the buckets yesterday. You can order a 10 pack of black buckets for $30 and have them shipped for free to your nearest Home Depot. Im just waiting on the lids and then Ill probably just make a bubbler bucket. What about you whats your plans?
i bought two totes, one is 18 gallon, and the other is 10 gallon that fits down inside the 18 gallon, which leaves me an 8 gallon reservoir. i got an air pump thats for a 10-30 gallon fish tank with a 4'' O2 disc air stone. The 10 gallon tote will have a bunch of holes in the middle bottom of it for drainage and the roots can go into the res(dwc). I will fill with hydro clay. I have a 365 gallons per hour water pump, that will be watering from the top only near the center of the tote, that way, the sides of the 10 gallon tote will get a lot of air(airpot thinking). I also got an timer for water pump, some drip stake, hoses, some ph down and a cheap ph test kit. I will show pictures by the end of the weekend, where their will be a little orange thai plant growing in a small green house with maybe a light for night time to keep it warmer. 8).
Wow - some awesome specimens on this page!  
I'm afraid I'm going to have to go for the 'bushiest'  
category, or maybe the 'widest'   :rofl: :
For what it's worth, it's 7 5/8" at the tippy tip of the top leaves:

It does have an attractive canopy, however; complete with flower buds:

The side branches are almost as tall as the main stalk!  And they are f••king*, too.
PaulG said:
Wow - some awesome specimens on this page!  
I'm afraid I'm going to have to go for the 'bushiest'  
category, or maybe the 'widest'   :rofl: :
For what it's worth, it's 7 5/8" at the tippy tip of the top leaves:

It does have an attractive canopy, however; complete with flower buds:

The side branches are almost as tall as the main stalk!  And they are f••king*, too.
you got the nicest plant going right there!