contest Growdown Throwdown 2017 Aji Lemon Drop!

Took a quick look...product description says seeds are OP, not that that's an issue since coming from same vendor I guess.
Just placed an order to be able to participate  :dance:
Good luck everyone...Very excited about this up coming season.
Should a POL of seed pack posted to verify seed source for the GT?
EDIT: Backing out...will grow op seeds I already have (yes I know this disqualifies entry, but I already have these seeds)
OK, the StettoMan is playing. Also ordered some zucchini, you don't want to compete with me and the zukes, I've been made to load other people's mailboxes with the zukes.... 
So, we have an end-date, but no start date, right? It's not like "ready......set............GO!", right?
*edit* OK, I re-read the OP, and I assume the seeds don't see daylight til New Years...
Masher said:
Took a quick look...product description says seeds are OP, not that that's an issue since coming from same vendor I guess.
Just placed an order to be able to participate  :dance:
Good luck everyone...Very excited about this up coming season.
Should a POL of seed pack posted to verify seed source for the GT?
Sure! You can either post a pic when you get them to confirm you're in the competition, or when you germinate. The hope is everyone is honest, just like in past grow downs. This one will depend on honesty for sure when we go to harvesting.  
stettoman said:
OK, the StettoMan is playing. Also ordered some zucchini, you don't want to compete with me and the zukes, I've been made to load other people's mailboxes with the zukes.... 
So, we have an end-date, but no start date, right? It's not like "ready......set............GO!", right?
*edit* OK, I re-read the OP, and I assume the seeds don't see daylight til New Years...
Yep! Start date is Jan 1 2017 and the end date is Dec 31st 2017 
millworkman said:
Hell, I will try again!  Ordering seeds now.  So, no rules besides one plant.  Does that mean we can clone that ONE plant and have many?   :)
You can grow many plants, but only pick one for the competition to harvest and weigh! haha 
Glad everyone is digging it and joining in! This is gonna be a GOOD one!
So i was gifted some seeds labeled Isolated LemonDrop that I was planning on growing this year anyway. Can I participate with those or do I need to buy from tradewinds or where-ever?
With regard to fairness... and being able to tell whether someone is cheating...  so long as everyone is posting regular pictures of their contestant plants along with pictures of the harvest and weight it will be fairly easy to tell if there are blatant cheaters.... the only real opportunity to cheat will come from the 3 or 4 people who are seriously in the running at the end.  And at that point if someone is going to cheat to win then they lose by lack of self worth...  
As far as weight goes, just how picky are we going to get? This is my scale:

It will do metric, but only to two decimals. There are no fractions of ounces. Do I need Santa to bring me a new scale?