contest Growdown Throwdown 2017 Aji Lemon Drop!

Devv said:
Woot! Seeds have been shipped!
So I have a question on plant choice, as I'm sure most everyone will sow many seeds. At what point in time do we say "this is my plant choice for the grow"?
I'd say a fair time to chose your soldier would be at least before they are transplanted into their final growing medium for the season. For me that will be when they come out of the basement and I chose one for the air pruning container
stettoman said:
This is going to become one busy thread. P-G, can I assume you're going to consolidate tallies as we go on one post?
Yep. Eventually we will all vote on a day of the week to harvest and if everyone can stick to as close to that day as possible, then it will make things much easier to tally. I'll update the original post # 1 with names and weights each week. If someone notices some bad math on my part, speak up!
Sounds good Rich. I know I don't have a chance in hell at winning this thing in Colorado. But, this is not about winning, it's about having fun. Can't wait to see the monsterous plants. I grew Aji Pinapple last year. About 10 plants. Couldn't tell the difference between them and the lemon drops. I believe they are the same thing. All I can say is cage them things, they are prolific. Mine never stopped flowering. Great flavor and medium heat. Some of the plants did produce a sourish taste to them. I think it was over watered and not quite ripe. I like them when they are a dark yellow color. Anyways, I'm in. Might have to plant in huge container instead of ground for this one.
I am pleased with their quick shipping!