Growdown Throwdown 2017 Aji Lemon Drop!

I just saw this for the first time. I think I have some Lemon Drop seeds kicking around. I'm late to the game, but I'm interested to see how much weight I can put out before Dec.

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JoynersHotPeppers said:
It is just a small plant that is going to give me about 5000 pods :)
I do not doubt that, my friend!
mlittle74 said:
I just saw this for the first time. I think I have some Lemon Drop seeds kicking around. I'm late to the game, but I'm interested to see how much weight I can put out before Dec.

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Awesome, Mike - welcome to the party!
PaulG said:
Just a little teaser to prompt some smack talk.

Y'all better run for cover   :seeya: 

Shows the benefit of using diesel...
to counteract the sucky PNW weather   :cool:
Man, seeing that just put me in a terrible mood awesome looking plant and very nice pods. My lemon drop is probably the size of one of your pods HAHAHAHAA great job. But the race don't end till 12/31 HAHAHAA this is going to be fun.
Blitz527 said:
Man, seeing that just put me in a terrible mood awesome looking plant and very nice pods. My lemon drop is probably the size of one of your pods HAHAHAHAA great job. But the race don't end till 12/31 HAHAHAA this is going to be fun.  True on both counts, Alex!
Thanks, bro - We haven't hit the June slowdown
we've had for the past several seasons, yet.  Hoping
to avoid it this year, but last night's 35˚F has me wondering!
b3rnd said:
Holy shit Paul that is almost unfair  :dance:
We haven't really got underway yet, Bernd.  When the
Southern fellows really get going they will leave me in
the dust!!  
I'm not even sure this is the plant I will choose for
the competition   ;)
Having a hard time making up my mind    :think:
Y'all skeert?   :twisted:
Im growing 2 from plants i got from Chileplants and not sure how many i will grow from my seedlings. My seedlings though are TINY still. It would be really hard to compete considering my zone although the 2 i grew last year produced more pods than i could use.