Growdown Throwdown 2017 Aji Lemon Drop!


A bit of a growth spurt going on.

This one chose to make pods ;)
I had to chop the canopy off one of my plants, both because it was falling over and I wanted to experiment. The parts I chopped had four pods about the size of Paul's pods. THEY ARE DELICIOUS! I chopped them up and threw them in a quesadilla. They had great flavor and more heat than I expected for a green, under-ripe pod. Excited for the real deal later in the year. 
Dennis--mine could be an identical twin!!
I got no standbys, the time is near to decide whether I want to put it in a 20 gallon pot or put it out in the 8th acre. I've not had the greatest luck potting vegetables before, and I'm planning to do a lot of it this year...
Alright, fellas, things are starting to heat up!  
I'm planting out as we speak, so will choose
my competition plant in a few days.  Y'all's
plants looking great!  Can't wait to see them
in a month or two!
The game is on!
:rofl: Two nights at 35 and 36˚F, followed by two
days in the mid to high 80˚F range have left the Aji
Lemon Drop peppers a bit schizophrenic - lots of
leaf drop and wilting.  Now, two nights with forecast
lows of 39˚F coming up, so who knows?  On the
bright side, they keep flowering and setting pods -   :crazy:
The smallest of the three, by a hair's breadth.

This will probably be the competition plant, depending
on what happens weather-wise

This was the first to set pods, but it is missing 1/4 of its

I figure the weird weather will give y'all a fair chance
since this is really chili pepper heaven   :liar:
PaulG said:
:rofl: Two nights at 35 and 36˚F, followed by two
days in the mid to high 80˚F range have left the Aji
Lemon Drop peppers a bit schizophrenic - lots of
leaf drop and wilting.  Now, two nights with forecast
lows of 39˚F coming up, so who knows?  On the
bright side, they keep flowering and setting pods -   :crazy:
The smallest of the three, by a hair's breadth.

This will probably be the competition plant, depending
on what happens weather-wise
This was the first to set pods, but it is missing 1/4 of its
I figure the weird weather will give y'all a fair chance
since this is really chili pepper heaven   :liar:
thats why i brought mine in for those nights 
moruga welder said:
thats why i brought mine in for those nights 
It's just too hard to juggle plants and space
when they get this big in their 2-liter pots.  The
plants will have to roll with the punches.  They
are already hardened off to 35˚F lows and 89˚F
highs - all in the last four days   :lol:  I have a few extra
annuums I can replace killed plants with, but if
the ALD don't get past the next two nights, it will
be curtains for them - or maybe they will come
roaring back with nicer weather!
PaulG said:
It's just too hard to juggle plants and space
when they get this big in their 2-liter pots.  The
plants will have to roll with the punches.  They
are already hardened off to 35˚F lows and 89˚F
highs - all in the last four days   :lol:  I have a few extra
annuums I can replace killed plants with, but if
the ALD don't get past the next two nights, it will
be curtains for them - or maybe they will come
roaring back with nicer weather!
I hear ya , I thought about that  last week but man , after taking care of these babies since february i just couldn't fathom the thought of losing any . especially the pumpkin BBG's and my CHOC. primo,   amongst a few more favorites ,   but now their staying out also , got a few nights in the high 30's ( sat. and sun. ) night . 
Today I unleashed the beast... I went literally batshit! Potted up to final 26l pot which is a home made wick fed and self watering affair which has served me well in the past.



The Plagron Batmix is a new one for me... white peat, black peat, fibrous peat, perlite, worm manure,Bat Guano. Bought from my local hydro shop.

The game is afoot!