Growdown Throwdown 2017 Aji Lemon Drop!

Pepper-Guru said:
These went into a gallon jar for a cold, no salt mash. I'll let them get funky and sweat for a month or few, then salt them and vinegar them, and age the jar for a few years. The next harvest will be powder, the next will be shipped out to folks asking for peppers, and then some jams, more sauce, more powder, keep it going!
This is the process you were telling me about? Any chance of pics?
Another picking, 138g added to my running total makes 603g so far.


Pepper-Guru said:
Aji Lemon Drop

Needles to say, we've been filling up gallon jars for some sweaty, no salt, cold, dark mash...
We will let the peppers do their thing, in a dark, cool, location with the lids barely on, just loose enough for gas to escape. 
Once the peppers are drowning in their own sweet sweet funk, we top off with the vinegar of our choosing, salt to taste and then age for years...
Later on down the road, when we crack them open again, that essentially becomes our base for other sauce ideas OR we prefer to blend and eat as is. Thats it. Thats my sauce. Simplicity is DIVINITY. 
Aji Lemon Drop getting ready for mash

Holy s***!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You guys are pulling hoards!!!!!!
And Guru.....
wow. What more can I say? And, thanks for posting your process - I think I might give it a go when I have a few years to spare :rofl:
I really need to get up on your glog!
Everyone's looking great, keep up the good work! :party:
I have been out of town for almost a month.  Came home to a ton of storm damage.  My competition plants had a large limb on top of them all.  Really the plants dont appear to care, they are just bent over and compacted down.  I will get some cages to support them back upright.
This is the plant I have chosen.

Here is my first weigh in
I tried that, bhut the illuminated numbers went dim before I could put all the pods on and ready the camera. Perhaps my assistant (LB) can help me in the future ;)
However, I did think the notched plate was cool....LOL :shh: