contest Growdown Throwdown 2018 Yellow Brain Strain!

jedisushi06 said:
No point now seeing you guys are over a month ahead of me.
I don't have my seeds yet either, I'd never win even if I started January 1st because my season is too short. I just want to participate for the fun and because it's a new variety I didn't have previously and haven't grown before. For me, It's about being part of the community and contributing to the fun.
U)<now said:
I don't have my seeds yet either, I'd never win even if I started January 1st because my season is too short. I just want to participate for the fun and because it's a new variety I didn't have previously and haven't grown before. For me, It's about being part of the community and contributing to the fun.
I have a short season here too.  I'm lucky to get super hots ripe by end of september.
Had to pull a couple of odd-looking ones from the lineup. These 4 made the cut...
Sinn said:
I have a couple seedlings like this any tips on removing the helmet or is it best to leave them alone?

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You can see through the seed, a little bit of green, in the middle. You want to do everything possible to not touch that!

Get some tiny scissors (I got mine at Target in the nail polish area). Cut around the edge, avoiding anything that looks green. You might only need to cut a side, the top, and then tweeze the thing off with the scissors...or tweezers.

With a steady hand, you can get a helmet head off in about 30 seconds.

You could also throw some more dirt on top, water, and see if it grows through dirt a second time with no helmet. My success rate is way higher just using scissors.
Geonerd said:
What did you do, forget the red fuming nitric acid?   :rolleyes:    
Hope you can get a new batch going soon!
I got ballsy with the mix this year. Trying to count chickens before the eggs hatch. Forget to KISS sometimes. It's ok though. One month aint hurting anyone right now. 
All jokes aside; anyone trying to germinate seeds. Just KISS. Don't try to get fancy. I do sometimes after a J and some whiskey and wild day dreams...not advised. 
KAOS said:
And this Boys and Girls is why you shouldn't get leaves wet under LED ....


What I meant to say was the depleted plutonium doped worm juice I was using was not optimally administered

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She will be ok. I see real leaves coming in! 
Sinn said:
I have a couple seedlings like this any tips on removing the helmet or is it best to leave them alone?

I always had luck just putting an occasional drop of water on the helmet to keep it soft, the cotelydons will muscle it off.
Er, I mean soak the helmet in a tiny baggie full of Suave Aloe & Kerosene hair conditioner, for say, a week....Yeah, that was it.............
stettoman said:
I always had luck just putting an occasional drop of water on the helmet to keep it soft, the cotelydons will muscle it off.

Yeah, I do that also, put a drop of water on it to soften the shell, then give it a day or two see if the cotys start working their way out. If not, I clip around the very edge of the shell and peel it open.

You don't want to leave it on there and keep wetting it for more than a day or two or it will start to rot the cotys.
D3monic said:
I pull helmet heads. If they aren't strong enough to get out their shell then they aren't good enough to grow to maturity and save seed from. at least that's my mindset
I think helmet heads are more often caused by the seeds not being buried deep enough, so not enough dirt to pull the shell off. Could also be if they were not kept moist enough to soften the shell enough.
U)<now said:
Yeah, I do that also, put a drop of water on it to soften the shell, then give it a day or two see if the cotys start working their way out. If not, I clip around the very edge of the shell and peel it open.

You don't want to leave it on there and keep wetting it for more than a day or two or it will start to rot the cotys.
This. use finger nail clippers
Soaking seeds before sowing helps mitigate the helmet issues.
Also, if you don't have tiny scissors, a nail clipper used judiciously
will do the trick. 
After clipping, you can squeeze the helmet with tweezers to try to
open up the seed jacket a bit.
But, in the long run, I'm with Michael, Over the years, it's basically
been a poor use of time.  Better to start a few extra seeds so you
can pull the helmet head seedling without feeling guilty   :mope: 
Of course if it's a one of a kind seed, then put your surgeon's gloves on!