contest Growdown Throwdown 2018 Yellow Brain Strain!

Probably completely anecdotal as I haven't had a very large sample size (or temperature/soil/seed controls), but soaking seems to help reduce helmet heads for me. 
Last year (no soaking anything) I had about 15% come up with helmets (I was able to save all but one).
This year (no soaking) 2/4 had helmets, then I decided to start soaking and 8 have come up with no helmets so far. I was just doing 16 - 24 hours in room temp tap water.
I had lots of helmets a few years ago because I had read somewhere to plant my seeds less than a quarter inch deep. Bad advice! Now I plant them an inch deep or more. After they come out of the paper towel they go directly into a solo cup, so planting them that deep also helps to establish a deeper root for bottom watering once they pop. I rarely need to top water because the roots are about an inch from the bottom of the cup once it hooks, and no helmet heads at all anymore... Two birds with one stone...
My YBS Seeds were waiting for me today! I'll get them in the dirt tonight. Thanks again Devv!
Might be of interest to some - A summary of shenanigans up till now
Will take some time to load so be patient

Once it's loaded you can hold the CTRL key and scroll with your mouse to zoom in/out
I should be able to keep it updated and I will optimise to load quicker
At least if we have a photobucket fallout we'll have some info.
U)<now said:
I think helmet heads are more often caused by the seeds not being buried deep enough, so not enough dirt to pull the shell off. Could also be if they were not kept moist enough to soften the shell enough.
Must have jinxed myself with this post... I only buried about a 1/4" deep this year and came home to quite a few helmet heads yesterday, lol. I think last year I planted at about a half inch after learning from the year prior. How quickly we forget our own lessons/advice :ROFL:
My runts  have been eking a living off the pitifully dim dual CFL lights in my 'grow' (damn little!) box.  Today, for the first time is a few weeks, we are having some nice weather and the plants are getting some sun.
Got them under doubled 70/30 shade cloth that should hopefully prevent them from getting frazzled by the Aridzona sun.
Geonerd said:
My runts  have been eking a living off the pitifully dim dual CFL lights in my 'grow' (damn little!) box.  Today, for the first time is a few weeks, we are having some nice weather and the plants are getting some sun.
Got them under doubled 70/30 shade cloth that should hopefully prevent them from getting frazzled by the Aridzona sun.

Pics we need ;)
You guys better be worried! I got true leaves!
What are the chances of it growing true? (I'm thinking open pollination and all) cause I got 10 of these seedlings (the pictured one doing the best) and I'm already running out of space (grow lights). 
