contest Growdown Throwdown 2018 Yellow Brain Strain!

Late harvest, the pods look a little dehydrated.

My total so far : (320) + 206 =526g

floricole said:

(12 + 52 + 80 + 71 + 63 + 142 + 234 + 158 + 91 + 89) + 133  = 1125
Walchit said:
Guess I will drag my plant into the garage tonight. Supposed to snow here tomorrow
U)<now said:
I picked the last bucket off mine ripe or not 2 days ago and dragged about 10 nice plants into the garage also. Got down to 32F here last night.
Looks like we'll be right behind you guys. We just dodged a hard frost last night with overnight lows around 38 degrees, and by Sunday they're predicting a solid week of nights in the upper 20s. I hear the fat lady winding up for her aria here boys and girls... [emoji6]

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stickman said:
Looks like we'll be right behind you guys. We just dodged a hard frost last night with overnight lows around 38 degrees, and by Sunday they're predicting a solid week of nights in the upper 20s. I hear the fat lady winding up for her aria here boys and girls... [emoji6]

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Yep, that same night I posted that, we got a freeze and it killed everything I had outside. Lucky I brought those plants into the garage.
How is the policy for harvesting unripe pods? 

My plant is still loaded with around 1 kg of unripe pods as this time, but is suffering from massive leaf drop and we could very well have our first frost within a week.
I just picked every last ripe/ripening pod off the plant and trimmed all the growing tips, to hopefully give it the strength to ripen a few more of the pods.
New total: (2980) + 810 = 2790 g 

A rather blurry picture of the retirement-ready monster. (Before the leaf drop - it's looking rather sad at this time) 
I've got to get out of the habit of sampling pods before weighing. I picked a couple yesterday and ate half of one before thinking about it. I'm convinced these are way hotter than any reaper I've had (I'll get photos when I pick the next ripe ones and weigh them all)
Well, I got a big FU from mother nature this week. My plant just set at least a thousand pods but the weather has went downhill fast, so probably won't get to weigh any of those. No way of moving this big bastard, so the end may be near for me...

Total: 2,776g
Weigh em green....
DK Peppers said:
How is the policy for harvesting unripe pods? 

My plant is still loaded with around 1 kg of unripe pods as this time, but is suffering from massive leaf drop and we could very well have our first frost within a week.
I just picked every last ripe/ripening pod off the plant and trimmed all the growing tips, to hopefully give it the strength to ripen a few more of the pods.
New total: (2980) + 810 = 2790 g 

A rather blurry picture of the retirement-ready monster. (Before the leaf drop - it's looking rather sad at this time) 
DK Peppers said:
How is the policy for harvesting unripe pods? 

My plant is still loaded with around 1 kg of unripe pods as this time, but is suffering from massive leaf drop and we could very well have our first frost within a week.
I just picked every last ripe/ripening pod off the plant and trimmed all the growing tips, to hopefully give it the strength to ripen a few more of the pods.
New total: (2980) + 810 = 2790 g 

A rather blurry picture of the retirement-ready monster. (Before the leaf drop - it's looking rather sad at this time) 
Doesn't have to be ripe to weigh them in! 
AndyW said:
I've got to get out of the habit of sampling pods before weighing. I picked a couple yesterday and ate half of one before thinking about it. I'm convinced these are way hotter than any reaper I've had (I'll get photos when I pick the next ripe ones and weigh them all)
Damn right! My fatalii are hotter than "reapers" fight me! 
Walchit said:
How long can a plant live with barely any light? I don't feel like moving lights to the back garage, and I think its gonna warm back up tomorrow.

I have this temperature sensor to make sure its not getting to cold out there

Not long! How difficult is it to move the lights?
NeedsWork said:
Pretty hard frost last night. Poor garden  :mope:  
New total: 4236   = ((797) + 3439)


That's dedication right there. 
I haven't totally disappeared, but I'm ridiculously far behind.
Right now I'm glad to be in Florida where I have some time, have ~30 pods waiting to ripen. Lots of flowers too.Yep, the first round. Oh well.
My measly two pics are actually about two weeks old.  :shh: Lots of the ones on there aren't very visible in pic just yet. 

When I took these pics in the running, this was the only one of significant size, but there's a bunch more that all appear perfect, minus the need to ripen of course!

I can't wait to finally try these things!
A little update. I decided to drag my ybs plant into the shed in an attempt to mature some of the smaller pods that just set, and hopefully get a few of the new flowers to set pods as well. That was a few days ago, and it seems to be working pretty good so far, but I am realizing that my 2, 4ft t8 light fixtures are not producing nearly enough light for this thing. This plant is massive! The two small areas that are getting good light are looking really good, flowers are open and setting pods, and the rest of the plant is just kind of dead looking. So I have been moving the lights around every couple of days to try to spread the love around, lol! I have my dehydrator running constantly, drying peppers, but also attempting to raise the temperature just enough to keep them alive. So far so good. Just for reference, that is a 55 gallon grow bag, and a 8ft wide Morgan building. I know it isn't nearly as impressive as some of the plants on here, but it is the largest plant I have grown personally. This growdown has definitely helped me step up my game.