contest Growdown Throwdown 2018 Yellow Brain Strain!

About to break 7 pounds!

Total: 2,999g

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Genetikx said:


910 + 25 + 207 = 1,142


Thats all folks
Well done! THANK YOU for joining us this year!  :clap:
CMJ said:
A little update. I decided to drag my ybs plant into the shed in an attempt to mature some of the smaller pods that just set, and hopefully get a few of the new flowers to set pods as well. That was a few days ago, and it seems to be working pretty good so far, but I am realizing that my 2, 4ft t8 light fixtures are not producing nearly enough light for this thing. This plant is massive! The two small areas that are getting good light are looking really good, flowers are open and setting pods, and the rest of the plant is just kind of dead looking. So I have been moving the lights around every couple of days to try to spread the love around, lol! I have my dehydrator running constantly, drying peppers, but also attempting to raise the temperature just enough to keep them alive. So far so good. Just for reference, that is a 55 gallon grow bag, and a 8ft wide Morgan building. I know it isn't nearly as impressive as some of the plants on here, but it is the largest plant I have grown personally. This growdown has definitely helped me step up my game.
DEDICATED!  :clap:
Aphids, thousands of aphids appeared over a two day span.  I've never had them before in my 4 years of grow tenting.  I knocked them back with neem tonight.  Ladybugs are on order.   
I'm gonna fold, my cards suck. So play the video...After 7 weeks and 32 plus inches of rain the plant just isn't in the mood. In fact the only pods I have coming in are from the Jalapeno's and a few Aji Oro's.
I held around 20 plants for the usually great fall harvest. I must admit here just east of the desert, I've never had a grow season end with this much rain. I have no skills in that department....
Idk what u could do. Maybe cover the soil with plastic before the rains to shed some water elsewhere? I know I wouldnt be out there doing that though... Lazyness being the reason. That sucks you didn't get a fall harvest.
Walchit said:
Idk what u could do. Maybe cover the soil with plastic before the rains to shed some water elsewhere? I know I wouldnt be out there doing that though... Lazyness being the reason. That sucks you didn't get a fall harvest.
Might have done that if the first 5 weeks of the rain weren't most every day. :rolleyes:
I was eating lunch this week and the guy in the next table, a rancher I know, about 72-75 years old says " no one I know has ever seen more than a 2 week rain here". "yeah, we may get the inches, but never this duration". Just astronomical losses in the South Texas cotton crop this season...